Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea
I am continuing to use the herbs from my garden each month. I have been getting ideas from this book, The Herbal Yearbook. Today I am trying something I have never done. I am using my own chamomile to make a cup of chamomile tea.

Chamomile Tea
This was suggested to try in January, but we will do it in February. The instructions are to dry your chamomile flowers and use them in tea. So I have been saving them for two years.

Chamomile Tea
It takes a lot of flowers from the chamomile plant to save up for tea. This is all I have from a two-year harvest. Realizing this, I have plans to grow a few more this year. 

Chamomile Tea
To make the tea, you need a heaping teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers to make a standard teacup; this one is 6 ounces. Put your chamomile in a tea diffuser of some sort and steep for three to four minutes. You may add honey to sweeten. 

Chamomile Tea
And that is all there is to it! I noticed that this tea is way stronger than the chamomile from the store. I think the fresher it is, the more benefit you get from the tea. It even smelled stronger. It was really a nice cup of tea. 

Chamomile Tea
This is my chamomile growing in the garden. There is Roman and German chamomile. The Roman chamomile has a bigger flower, which is what is pictured here. You can make tea out of either of them. The scent is amazing! 
Have you ever made your own herbal tea? 

In Victory!


gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Herbs are so health giving. How wonderful that you grow them in your garden. Love you china and lovely relaxing tea idea.

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

Such pretty pictures. I don’t bother to dry them. We just pick them and then drink them! I have found a little goes a long way.