Friday, May 24, 2024

Junk in the Garden

Junk in the Garden
I have a few vintage things I pulled out to show you how I use them in the garden. I use all my vintage items, even when cooking. 

Junk in the Garden
This is true junk. This was a "thrown away" flower bucket from my husband's workplace, and he saw it and salvaged it for me. Perfect for my peony bouquet.

Junk in the Garden
Here on my potting table, I have an old Coke crate, and it houses string or tools. The old tool box was from a grandfather; perfect carryall for my herb pots.

Junk in the Garden
Old silverware-knives in particular-is a handy tool when gardening. I use them to pop difficult seedlings out of cell packs.

Junk in the Garden
The old, long-handled wooden spoon was sent to the garden years ago to mix fertilizer and it has been there ever since.

Junk in the Garden
This vintage enamelware coffee pot is perfect for mixing compost tea to fertilize seedlings. On the inside, the spout has a strainer, which catches any debris and makes a liquid of the compost.

Junk in the Garden
This crown just looks old, but it has the perfect rusty look to go with this little potted ivy.

Junk in the Garden
Do you use junk in your garden? My style goes from the house to the garden each year when I find new uses for things.

Home Matters at Days Filled with Joy
Tuesday Turn About at My Wee Abode

In Victory,


Bernideen said...

I am loving your peonies! Isn't gardening a blessing! I love it all!

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

I love this! I like to incorporate “junk” in my garden. Enjoyable post!

Julie @ My Wee Abode said...

I just love your photos... and all the vintage items in your outdoor space are lovely! So nice to have you at Tuesday Turn About! Pinned, and I’m happy to be featuring you at TTA this week!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Such a wonderful way to upcycle old treasures into new and useful ones.