1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 3/4 cups milk
1/2 cup cooking oil
1/2 cup of chocolate chips
Preheat your waffle iron. In a mixing bowl combine flour, baking powder, and salt. In another bowl beat eggs and beat in milk and oil. Add egg mixture to flour mixture all at once. Stir until just combined and still lumpy. Pour around a 1/2 cup of waffle mix onto the preheated and lightly greased waffle iron. I scoop up the mix making sure I get some chocolate chips in each waffle. (The chocolate chips sink to the bottom of the batter and some waffles won't get any chips if you don't do this.) Close waffle maker lid and don't open while baking. When done, use a fork to lift the waffle off the grid. Repeat with remaining batter. Makes 3 or 4 waffles.
My transferware pattern today is Lochs of Scotland by Royal Warwick. It has a beautiful loch in the center and is surrounded by roses and thistles. This is the dinner plate.
This is the saucer.
Here is the teacup.
I am mulling over plans for this year's blog posts. I am leaning towards doing much more tea and the food that goes with it. I am also considering a post on my allergies and sharing more gluten free recipes. What do you think? Are you or someone you know eating gluten free? If you have an autoimmune disease you might have tried to eliminate gluten. If you have, I would bet that like me, your disease/allergy completely disappeared. I have a background as a registered nurse and I have been studying this for three years and I have a complete game plan on how to eat now after logging and recording the reactions I have had with food. It has been a terrible learning curve and my Doctors really did not know what to tell me. I am thinking if I would share this you or someone you know suffering might could get some use out of it. There is a reason you have autoimmune issues pop up. Most everyone of them is directly related to the food in our diets.
And, no these waffles are not friendly to my eating plan, but I feed them to the children because this is what they were raised eating and they haven't got any autoimmune issues yet. Yes, that is a problem in the making I know. My allergies did not manifest at all until I was in my mid-forties. Till then I could make my cake and eat it too!
What say you about these gluten-free foods/lifestyle?
Here is the teacup.
I am mulling over plans for this year's blog posts. I am leaning towards doing much more tea and the food that goes with it. I am also considering a post on my allergies and sharing more gluten free recipes. What do you think? Are you or someone you know eating gluten free? If you have an autoimmune disease you might have tried to eliminate gluten. If you have, I would bet that like me, your disease/allergy completely disappeared. I have a background as a registered nurse and I have been studying this for three years and I have a complete game plan on how to eat now after logging and recording the reactions I have had with food. It has been a terrible learning curve and my Doctors really did not know what to tell me. I am thinking if I would share this you or someone you know suffering might could get some use out of it. There is a reason you have autoimmune issues pop up. Most everyone of them is directly related to the food in our diets.
And, no these waffles are not friendly to my eating plan, but I feed them to the children because this is what they were raised eating and they haven't got any autoimmune issues yet. Yes, that is a problem in the making I know. My allergies did not manifest at all until I was in my mid-forties. Till then I could make my cake and eat it too!
What say you about these gluten-free foods/lifestyle?
I will link this to:
I will link this to:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage
A Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life
A Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tea Cup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups
Tea In The Garden at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog
Tea In The Garden at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
Strut Your Stuff Saturday at Six Sisters Stuff
Homemaking Linkup at Hope In Every Season
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
The Best Blog Recipes link party
I just love your blue transfer ware. My best friend collects it and it is wonderful see at her home. Have a great week. Thanks for your prayers. Martha
do you think the blue dishes make it look more delicious? I do !
Hello Sherry,
I love your Lochs of Scotland! That is a gorgeous blue and white transfer pattern. I love the thistles on the plate rim.
I have been eating GF for ages now, and sometimes treat myself to extra's but I am careful too. I am more on a GAPS diet than GF, so no grains anyways. I would love to see your nutritional posts.
Hi Sherry,
SO interesting! Although I am not aware of gluten playing around with my system, I HAVE noticed that after the age of 45, I have not been feeling like my old self. Of course, I know that it has something to do with menopause, but I'm also suspicious of other dietary factors. I would be very curious to know what you have to say about all these mysteries that are creating chaos in our lives.
PS: Your waffles look delicious!
Hi Sherry,
Yours is an interesting post. I have an autoimmune disease which also affects my neuro-muscular system {a form of MD} but food has never had any affect on me really. I just have to watch my breads that I don't eat too many. As you know, the love of bread can pack the weight on you. So I limit my helpings.
Your blue and whites are lovely. I don't know if I've seen that pattern before. It's really pretty. Thanks so much for sharing and coming to tea. By the way, tea and the foods which accompany it would make a wonderful topic!
Poppy that is interesting that you mentioned 45 and your also noting changes. My allergist hinted it could be "the change" but he also said it might be forever too.
Mmm, waffles with tea - I'd love to join you! I would be interested in reading posts on your health issues from the beginning. I'm sure there is something we could all learn from what you share.
Hello, I really enjoy your Blog Post! I think the GMO in our seeds has caused so much danger to our systems! I did Pin your pretty Waffle. Loved the blue and white dishes.
Blessings, Roxy
Hi Sherry,
I had a friend who as a teenager LOVED chocolate chip pancakes, they are so rich, but Mmmmm! I do not eat gluten Free but I am vegan, I think it is a very hot topic and think it would be interesting to learn more. I agree with Roxy, I think GMO's are ruining our foods and responsible for a lot of food problems we have never seen before...
Good Luck with your plans and diet!
Sherry I'm drooling over your transferware! I love transferware and have a set of blue & white. My dream is to add a red & white set someday.(they're so pricy)
And I'm excited that you might do gluten-free recipes. I have 2 great nieces that have Celiac Disease and are here with their family at times. I'm always interested in new recipes to make for them. I'm thinking of going gluten-free too. It would be so much healthier.
Happy New Year Sherry!
Blessings, Edie Marie
Lovely transfer ware! Very interesting post! I love cooking from scratch! Interested in the gluten free posts. Thanks!
My hubby would love chocolate chip waffles. Gorgeous dishes...
Sherry whatever you do, I have used several of your recipes and trusted them enough by Christmas that I made your cake and posted about it too :
I have read that many allergies cropping up are due to GMO food though I just see that here and there...I am so sorry that you are suffering from food allergy troubles :(
I think that anyone could benefit from your gluten free recipes or any recipe of yours :)
Hubby just bought me a waffle maker for Christmas - so much fun! Thanks for linking to the Weekend re-Treat Link Party! xo, S.
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