Monday, January 13, 2025

January Baker's Rack

 January Baker's Rack

Have you ever looked into how to style a baker's rack? I have been working on this for at least 6 months, and nothing I put on here looked right. I finally decided it made a huge difference when I added the trays and the cutting boards. 

January Baker's Rack
The homemade French bread was what I baked today. I've never made it before, but it wasn't bad for my first try. 

January Baker's Rack
My son gifted me some fresh farm eggs from his in-laws when he visited. I love the colors, pale green and brown. 

January Baker's Rack
A tea tray always at the ready seems to be a perfect addition to my baker's rack. Do you have a baker's rack? If you do, how do you use it?

In Victory,


Bernideen said...

This turned out lovely! And your bread - yummy!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I’ve always liked a bakers rack decorated like yours. I don’t have one- I have no spot to put one in, which is probably a good thing. I don’t need anymore stuff.

Faith said...

I didn't even know this was a thing, how cute is it though? You've done a lovely job with it, charming. I have zero room for a bakers rack.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I miss my old bakers rack. They always give such a cozy homey look. I love how you've styled yours! And add some farm fresh eggs and a loaf of bread and you have the finishing touches. :)