Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Closing the Garden

Closing the Garden
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens... It is time to close the garden. Some things are still beautiful, like this impatient, but other things are spent. 
 Closing the Garden
I am going to try to save that fern. I should have put it in the ground, but I will put it in a small greenhouse with the potted roses and see if they make it. 

Fall Zinnias
I have left the zinnias till the very last. The butterflies were all over them as I went outside today. My husband ran the mower, and it scared them away. The butterflies are just so beautiful I hate to pull the flowers until the very end.

Fall Zinnias
Possibly a freeze here this week. If not this week, it will be soon. Then winter is coming, where everything will go to sleep till it awakens again with the promise of a new beginning in spring.

In Victory,


Bernideen said...

Yes, we had a bit of that here last night too which I see damaged my tomatoes which were still loaded so I am sad to see that! I have been blessed to share with neighbors but not anymore I see.

Debby said...

Living in California, we don’t close the garden like others in colder climates but we do put away many things - put some potted plants closer to the house - all of the plants survive. Roses do very well here in the winter months and marigolds - gerbera daisies and of course poppies start coming in Jan. But actual starting things from seeds, I wait till March.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Yes, it is time here too. This morning it is 36 degrees and the freeze is around the corner (although this weekend is supposed to warm back up). My mums look good but most everything else is ready to go.. Nice post.