Thursday, August 8, 2024

Shorter Days

Sunflower Bouquet
Every year at this time, I feel a sense of nostalgia for fall and all the memories it brings. Cozy warm sweaters, a crackling fire, and gorgeous leaves on the maple trees. I could never really put my finger on exactly why this always happens to me at the end of July and the beginning of August. This year, it hit me that the days have just started to get shorter. Duh! Why have I never figured this out? 

 Sunflower Bouquet
It also seems incredibly ironic that this is when the sunflowers bloom. Do you notice little things like this? I have always been in tune with these natural patterns, but somehow I never connected them with the days getting shorter. 
So, I lit the oil lamp and made a bouquet of sunflowers in my cottage corner. I relished the sun going down sooner and the atmosphere feeling cozier. Fall has always been my favorite season. So now I know it's on its way.
What is your favorite season?

In Victory,


My Shasta Home said...

My favorite season is Autumn. I even prefer to say Autumn over Fall. Such a pretty word.
I too notice the seasonal patterns and smells of my area. I can tell the sun is a little lower than last month too!
Lovely post

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I also feel the longing for Fall this time of year too. I love sunflowers as a symbol of late summer early Autumn and Matt & I are using them as a theme to our wedding in a month! Coming so fast. I dream on all the cozy ahead too. Blessings. πŸŒΌπŸ’›