Monday, August 26, 2024

Herb Infused Olive Oil

Herb Infused Olive Oil
The herb project I have chosen for August is to make herb-infused infused olive oil. 

Herb Infused Olive Oil
I am finding my projects out of this book; I have been working in it all year, The Herbal Yearbook.

Herb Infused Olive Oil
I adapted this recipe I found here. I have a supply of rosemary from my own garden that I save every year. 

Herb Infused Olive Oil
I wanted the rosemary more chopped up than it was, so I used the mortar and pestle to grind it up. 

Herb Infused Olive Oil
I opted for dried ingredients instead of fresh.

Herb Infused Olive Oil

Herb Infused Olive Oil
I poured the olive oil in and shook it up. I gave it several hours to infuse before I used it. 

Herb Infused Olive Oil
While the oil was infusing, I made a fresh batch of pizza dough and made cheese sticks instead of white pizza. 

Herb Infused Olive Oil for White Pizza
amount: 1/4 cup

1/4 olive oil
1/2 teaspoon powdered garlic (I use roasted garlic powder-it has a great flavor.)
1 teaspoon chopped up dried rosemary
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper

Mix all ingredients into olive oil and shake. Leave two or more hours to infuse and then dip or drizzle onto white pizza or cheese sticks.
Use up right away or store in fridge for up to four days and then discard if not in use.

Herb Infused Olive Oil
It works as a dip or a drizzle. It made the pizza taste really nice, and the extra flavors blended nicely with the cheese sticks. The family approved. 
Have you ever infused herbs into olive oil?

In Victory,


Debby said...

Oh that looks so good.

Faith said...

Hi! I have infuse Lavender into Olive oil which smells lovely. Rosemary infused oil on pizza dough must smell heavenly. I've got some Rosemary out in my garden. I think I will try this. Thank you