Monday, June 12, 2023

Cottage Garden Virtues

Cottage Garden

It crossed my mind recently that I understood why we might have first been placed in a garden.

Cottage Garden

“The rose is the flower of love—the world has acclaimed it so for centuries. The pink roses are love hopeful and expectant—the white roses are love dead or forsaken—but the red roses—ah, Leslie, what are the red roses?”

“Love triumphant,” said Leslie in a low voice. ~Lucy Maude Montgomery, "Anne's House of Dreams" 

So in the garden we find love, our love for the beautiful rose.

Cottage Garden

We find joy in the petal unfurling. 

Cottage Garden
We find peace in a quiet corner of the garden.

Cottage Garden
We find patience waiting for all of those little seeds to mature.

 Cottage Cat

 We show kindness to the animals that get in our shot. 

Cottage Garden
We find goodness in some flowers that are not only beautiful but also edible.

Cottage Garden
We find faithfulness in a seed that, once sown, comes back year after year.

Cottage Garden
We find gentleness in the rose losing its petals. 

Cottage Garden
We find self-control to leave a plant where it has self sown. 

Cottage Garden
Yes, I think there was an ultimate wisdom that placed us in a garden.

In Victory,


Bernideen said...

Yes, the Lord often speaks to us in the many lessons to learn!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Love this so much Sherry. Absolutely gorgeous garden photos. Just stunning how it's looking. 😍 And I especially loved the L.M. Montgomery quote- Anne's House of Dreams is one of my absolute faves of all of her books.
Blessings on your week ahead. xoxo

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

I enjoyed your thoughts here, and love that image of all the petals surrounding that chair. Beautiful! J.