Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Tea 2013

I am joining the tea folks today with a little Christmas tea.  I so like having tea on the blog.  I started doing this for my Mother who liked the idea of having tea but, was at a distance and couldn't join me.  She will be visiting today so I will have tea in person with her.

I think My Mother gave me this cookbook.  She bought it but never cooks, she just likes to look at recipes!  My scone recipe today came from this cookbook.

The teacup is Johnson Brothers Old Britian Castles.

I really love this pattern, just look at all of the detail in the saucer.

Back to the scones, these are White Chocolate Peppermint Scones for Christmas.

White Chocolate Peppermint Scones

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon aluminum free baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons chilled unsalted butter, diced
3/4 cup white chocolate morsels 
1/2 cup peppermint baking chips (I used 2 crushed up candy canes)
3/4 cup chilled buttermilk
1 large egg yolk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
Sugar sprinkles

 Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a large bowl sift together, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  Add butter and blend with a pastry blender till flour is in coarse crumbs.  Stir in white chocolate morsels and peppermint baking chips.  I used 2 smashed candy canes because I couldn't find peppermint baking chips.  I just took two candy canes and placed in a zip lock bag and smashed them with my marble rolling pin.  It worked really well against the concrete of the back step. Lol!  What can I say, I live in a house full of guys. 
In a small bowl, whisk together buttermilk, egg yolk, vanilla, and peppermint extract.  Add buttermilk mixture to dry ingredients.  Mix until dough is evenly combined.  Flour a work surface, gather the dough into a ball, and knead for 2 to 3 turns.  Shape the dough as a large round disc and take a knife and score it into 6 pie shaped pieces.  I used the egg white to wash the top of the scones and  then I sprinkled with sugar sprinkles and sanding sugar.  Bake for 18 to 20 minutes or until golden brown.  

Recipe adapted from: Tea Time magazine and Scones & Tea
Take a moment to stop and have yourself a cup of tea this holiday season.  We have made it through Thanksgiving and Black Friday (belch) so it will be all enjoyable from this point on right! (?)


I will link this to:

Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life 
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tea Cup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups
Tea In The Garden at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm 
Strut Your Stuff Saturday at Six Sisters Stuff 
Homemaking Linkup at Hope In Every Season 
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style 
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life 
Favorites on the First at The Polohouse 
The Shady Porch 30 Day Holiday Linkup


Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

It really is an enjoyable gathering each week for tea with women from different locations and countries.
Your last photo is perfect for a Christmas card, showing everything special to having a tea at this time of year.

Terri said...

Oh so lovely! Perfectly Christmassy!
I love your tea cup. I have that set of dishes. But I think my set may be a deeper red than yours. I think I like your shade better! lol! Mine is more burgundy.

Antiques And Teacups said...

What a great way to have tea with your Mom. I love your tea setting...the teapot is lovely and that's a favorite transferware patternSo pretty! The scone recipe looks wonderful and so perfect for the season! Thanks for sharing and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Heirloom treasures said...

MMm, those scones look delicious and I love your pretty teacup and saucer

Schotzy said...

Beautiful and totally inspiring...makes me want to go
bake something!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Your photos are just so dreamy, Sherry! I'm ready for one of your scones and a cup of tea. Wish I could join you.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Sherry, you always set the prettiest tea! I love the lights in the background. I have two blue JB OBC teacups but would love to find some red ones. The teapot is darling and your scones look very festive. Enjoy your tea time with your mother and thank you for joining me for Tea Time.


Tanya Rachelle said...

So cozy and inviting! Beautiful- thanks for sharing.

Linda said...

Oooh, I love your teacup! I have a set just like that, bought them at a roadside sale and was so thrilled with my find! I love the shape of the cup and the saucer, too. Don't you?! Lol So Christmassy! Just lovely and relaxing...
Linda at Beautiful Ideas

Martha's Favorites said...

I love these tea cups. I always love to visit here. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

Alison @ The Polohouse said...

Your photos are positively breathtaking, Sherry!

I love your teacup set -- the scalloped edge saucers are so unusual. Pairing that set with the really delicious scones makes for a setting straight from the pages of Victoria Magazine! LOVELY images. Oh my heavens.

Thanks so much for sharing your post with us.
Have a great week!

Betty said...

What can I say, but a perfect Christmas tea. I love the red cup with the white teapot and the recipe sounds very good.

Anonymous said...

This was such a lovely post. Your china is beautiful and I love that this is something that connects you to memories of your mom. Have a blessed day.

Maria Angelique

Anonymous said...

I, too, have OBC in the pink. Bought them at an auction for about a dollar per piece. Bargain!
But what i covet is your white teapot. Is it available today?
You have a beautiful classic style. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Such a beautiful tea setting. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

Bernideen said...

This is one of my favorite tea books (I actually sell it too in my shop) and I love your teapot as well! Everything looks lovely!

Unknown said...

Your tea looks so inviting and so does the scone. Pinning so I have the recipe. coming from Weekend re-treat party.

Unknown said...

Ciao piacere di conoscerti arrivo nel tuo blog tramite pinterest sono Italiana e ti scrivo dalla bella isola di Sicilia,amo questo momento del Tea e tu lo hai presentato nel modo più raffinato possibile,i miei complimenti hai un blog bellissimo,se ti fa piacere passa a trovarmi,mi unisco ai tuoi lettori.
Zagara & Cedro

Donna J. Shepherd said...

What lovely pics! Recipe sounds scrumptious, too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and totally inspiring...makes me want to go
bake something!
green tea