There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son,
that transcends all other affections of the heart.
It is neither to be chilled by selfishness,
nor daunted by danger, nor weakened by worthlessness, nor stifled by ingratitude.
She will sacrifice every comfort to his convenience;
she will surrender every pleasure to his enjoyment;
she will glory in his fame, and exult in his prosperity; and if
adversity overtake him, he will be the dearer to her by misfortune;
and if disgrace settle upon his name, she will still love and cherish
him; and if all the world beside cast him off, she will be all the world
to him.
Washington Irving

Even He that died for us upon the cross, in the last hour, in the
unutterable agony of death, was mindful of His mother, as if to teach us
that this holy love should be our last worldly thought,—the last point
of earth from which the soul should take its flight for heaven.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
I will link this to:
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
A Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life
Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper
Sunny Simple Sundays at Sunny Simple Life
Spiritual Sundays
Blissful Whites Wednesday at Timewashed
Make the Scene Monday at Alderberry Hill
Une merveilleuse publication qui harmonise les mots et les clichés...
Gros bisous
I always so enjoy your photos..and the text is very sweet today..thought provoking. I had/still have not one but 3 sons each different and each a blessing in unique ways.
I like how you tied it to "OUR" saviour and His love and sacrifice for us.
Beautiful post. I love my daughter to the moon and back, but I always thought how great it would be to also have a son.
Thank you Sherry for these lovely thoughts of the sacrifice of our Lord and the unimaginable love he has for us.
Peace of God to you,
Linda at The French Hens Nest
What a wonderful tribute and message!
We really do feel that way about our Son--would do anything for him!! It's so wonderful to conceive HOW MUCH JESUS loved us. Great illustration.
Bless you on this Sabbath Day.
Thank you Sherry for this beautiful post. It is hard when you have a son who walks away, but a Mother's love is enduring even through the pain.
beautiful Sherry
Beautiful! Gorgeous photos too...
This touched my heart. Today is my oldest sons birthday and lives so far away. Thank you for this beautiful post.
This lovely post has moved me to tears.
May you have a wonderfully peaceful Holy week.
Beautiful words and photos.
Beautiful post, Sherry...lovely photos!
What an artistic tribute. Thank you for working so hard on this to bless us.
Just beautiful.
Wonderful to have you at SEASONAL SUNDAYS.
- The Tablescaper
How beautiful....God bless you!!
This is such a beautiful and meaningful post, Sherry.
I have often thought about Mary and how the scriptures say "she pondered these things in her heart". What a precious Mother she was to our Lord and Saviour.
Blessings to you this Easter.
Carolynn xoxo
How movingly beautiful Sherry. x
Thank You Sherry. How beautiful and thought provoking for this Holy Week!
The French Hutch
That was beautiful.
I have tears in my eyes, and I'm sooooo thankful to that wonderful Son who died and rose that we might live with Him forever in the presence and warmth of God.
And His mother is pretty awesome, too.
Wonderful post...Touching...:):)
So beautiful and so true!
Thanks so much for posting this, I have 3 sons all different but just wonderful, I love and enjoy them so!
What a beautiful post
Sherry, I just got your note and came by to see the picture. Do you know, I don't think I have seen this! Is this over near the cross and the shrine on San Marco Avenue? It is beautiful.
I'm sending you Easter hugs across the miles...
OH, how glad I am that I saw this post, though a bit late! Being blessed with two sons, I know of that love well, and of "the" Son's love too. Wonderful and beautiful. Thank you! ~Zuni
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