To get the most nutrition out of my eggs I have used these Omega-3 eggs.
Look how fluffy and delicious these pancakes are only with 2 tablespoons of coconut flour.
This recipe was adapted by me from the SCD. It is gluten/wheat, soy, dairy, tree nut, and peanut free. ( Coconut is in the palm family and it is actually the seed of a drupaceous fruit, not a tree nut.) This is a 1-2 serving recipe for creating a meal for the one person in the house that can't eat like everyone else! That would be me.
Coconut Flour and Banana Pancakes
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 banana (mashed)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons coconut flour
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Beat eggs, mash banana and combine. Add vanilla, salt, honey, and coconut flour. Mix well. Drop on a hot skillet with coconut oil already melted over medium heat. Let the pancakes cook through. They won't bubble exactly like wheat flour, but they will puff up. Check frequently and turn when the pancake has had enough time to cook through and not burn. Serve with honey.
This recipe was adapted by me from the SCD. It is gluten/wheat, soy, dairy, tree nut, and peanut free. ( Coconut is in the palm family and it is actually the seed of a drupaceous fruit, not a tree nut.) This is a 1-2 serving recipe for creating a meal for the one person in the house that can't eat like everyone else! That would be me.
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 banana (mashed)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons coconut flour
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Beat eggs, mash banana and combine. Add vanilla, salt, honey, and coconut flour. Mix well. Drop on a hot skillet with coconut oil already melted over medium heat. Let the pancakes cook through. They won't bubble exactly like wheat flour, but they will puff up. Check frequently and turn when the pancake has had enough time to cook through and not burn. Serve with honey.
Coconut refrence:
Diet refrence:
I have been in search of a list of foods to eat to go with my allergies for two years and it seems to be getting easier to find foods I can eat. More and more information is being shared everyday about the increase in allergies and ways to survive it. The more I learn the more I will share.
I will link this to:
I will link this to:
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
Strut Your Stuff Saturday at Six Sisters Stuff
Homemaking Linkup at Hope In Every Season
Finding the Pretty & Delicious Linky at Your Home Based Mom
On the Menu Monday at Stonegable
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
A Pinteresting Party at Tutus & Tea Parties
Home at Rose Chintz Cottage Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
A Pinteresting Party at Tutus & Tea Parties
Whole Foods Wednesday at Whole Lifestyle Nutrition
Waste Not Want Not Wednesday at Poor and Gluten Free
Sounds great! I'm sending this on to my daughter - and also I'll try to see if my husband will substitute these for the typical pancakes. You'll like my easy GF lunch recipe on tomorrow's Cranberry Morning post. :-)
Hi Sherry,
I guess my comment didn't go through so I'll try again. Your pancakes really do look wonderfully fluffy. I love pancakes and will have to try these. Thanks for sharing at my HOME.
They look wonderful! it must be challenging having to use so many new recipes and foods. Though I'm seeing more and more GF foods in the grocery store these days and even restaurants who offer GF choices. I wonder why this allergy has become so prevalent? Have a great week! sandy :)
I didn't know you had food allergies. That must be tough! Enjoy your pancakes!
Farmhouse hugs,
These look delicious! I (luckily) don't suffer from food allergies, but I think I'm going to have to try these anyway. I just pinned the recipe. Thanks for sharing!
These look heavenly!- I'll be trying them this weekend! I'm trying to cut down on gluten- thanks so much for sharing and the references- not sure If i'll be able to find coconut flour locally
Je comprends aisément votre souci. Je suis allergique au gluten et à certains aliments. La galère parfois quand on est gourmande!
Une recette à essayer mais sans la banane pour moi.
Gros bisous
Sherry, this does look delicious. I'm sorry to hear you have food allergies. That has to be frustrating. I'm going to share your recipe with several friends who are gluten intolerant. ~ Sarah
I went Paleo almost two years ago and have tried lots of interesting recipes...but these look absolutely delish! Pinning now and for sure, trying later!
Those look yummy! I have a lot of food allergies, too, so I know what you're saying! I'll have to try this recipe on John this weekend.
Hugs and Blessings,
Your pancakes look so moist and delicious. My kids would love to wake up to the smell of these cooking.
THanks for hosting!!! XO, Aimee
These look great! I can't have bananas unless they've been baked like crazy, so I might try subbing mashed sweet potatoes instead :)
Thanks so much for sharing this on Waste Not Want Not Wednesday, I’ve pinned it.
Tried these a few times now. So good!
These sound so delicious. I am so hungry for something GF with flavor!
These pancakes were sooooo good! I had one small banana that needed to be used, so I used the whole thing. I didn't have any honey but used a little splenda brown sugar and a couple dashes cinnamon. Thanks so much for sharing!
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