Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Spring

Happy Spring!  I wasn't even aware today was the first day of spring.  How beautiful it was today.  I had to go get a few pansies to celebrate.  

I will join Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday.
Go and visit her lovely blog.


Nancy's Notes said...

Sherry, your mosaic is just what Spring should look like, delightful! I love it. I'm happy I found your blog, via Kim at Savvy Southern Style's great blog! I'll be following you now, I'll be back soon!


Lyndsay Wells said...

I just love popping by your blog. I leave feeling inspired. Happy spring!

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Beautiful photos!! Martina

EG CameraGirl said...

The pansies look fresh and well cared for. :)

Unknown said...

Best wishes on the first of spring!

A Garden of Threads said...

Lovely mosaic to celebrate the coming of spring. Beautiful:)

Vee said...

Dreamy photographs and a lovely mosaic. I really like the image of the children leaping. I think we can all leap with the arrival of spring.

Snap said...

how lovely ... pansies, eggs, shells, the nest ... well done! happy spring!

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Oh pansies have such happy little faces. I have not seen any here for sale yet. V

Shine said...

Love your spring photos....LOVELY! Blessings~~Shine

Caroline (Piorra Maison) said...

I love pansies. we are a long way off until I see a single bloom. We are still under 5 feet of snow in Montreal. I am your newest follower and I hope you can drop on by and become a follower on my blog.
Thank you for hosting

Teacup-In-The-Garden said...

Such beautiful violets, which I love very much! The Mosaic is so beautiful, thanks for sharing!

Best wishes,


xinex said...

Lovely pansies and I love the bird's next and eggs too. Happy spring!...Christine

Charo said...

So beautiful! Happy Spring!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry! Oh, what a lovely Spring mosaic! You're good and your photos are so pretty. Oh, In the Garden was one of my Daddy's favorite hymns. I love that sweet ole song.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

bj said...

Happiest Spring.

LindyLouMac said...

Having joined Mosaic Monday this week I am now enjoying blog hopping around the world admiring everyone else's beautiful photography and gaining inspiration. It cheers me when so much of the world around us is in turmoil for one reason or another.

I love the smiley faces of pansies and used them in my winter planters this year.