Monday, July 29, 2024

Making Bouquet Garnis

 Bouquet Garnis
I am off to the garden today, and I am gathering herbs in my basket for making bouquet garnis. 

Bouquet Garnis
I have chosen to do this from The Herbal Yearbook for my July project. 

Bouquet Garnis
A bouquet garni is just a bundle of herbs tied together to go into your cooking pot and season your food. 

Bouquet Garnis
I have chosen to use parsley, thyme, and two bay leaves for my bouquet garni.

Bouquet Garnis
I have a spool of butcher's twine that I am tying the herbs together with. That way, the herbs can go right in the pot when used.

Bouquet Garnis

Bouquet Garnis
Here is a finished bundle.

Bouquet Garnis
It is ready for the cooking pot. My favorite recipe to use herbs like this is Instant Pot French Dips.  The combination of herbs for that recipe is bay leaves, thyme, and rosemary. You can use any combination of herbs you wish to complement your dish.

Garden Boots

In Victory,


carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I think fresh herbs are such a lovely blessing in this life - love this!

Mrs. White said...

What a wonderful idea! It is so nice to get what we need right from the garden!