
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Potato Biscuits

Potato Biscuits: The Charm of Home
I was photographing tea this week with this vintage Rumford Baking Powder cookbook (1908) under the tea cup and I was noticing the potato biscuit recipe while I am editing photos. 

Potato Biscuits: The Charm of Home
It just so happens that I am allergic to all grains, all dairy, and nuts. So this recipe being the one I opened the cookbook to for the photo must have been a sign that I needed to try the recipe.

Potato Biscuits: The Charm of Home
I get to work and make the biscuits with all potatoes and potato flour.  There is no grains, dairy, or nuts in these at all. I was mildly impressed that they cut out pretty nicely and they hold together well while you manipulate the flour.  Not the experience I have had with other flour-less baking.

Potato Biscuits: The Charm of Home
They do bake up denser than flour.  Nothing but potatoes...but look at the texture when pulled apart!!  So flour-like, so bread-like, I am satisfied!  You have to realize I haven't had a piece of bread in my mouth for several years. The doctors shake their heads at me on my yearly check-ups. My blood pressure is great and my cholesterol amazing.  They shake their head as I remind them of my allergies.  "Oh yes, you have that "weird" problem."  None of them have any idea what to do with me.  I had to figure it out on my own.

Potato Biscuits: The Charm of Home
So for those oddballs of us out there that have autoimmune disorders and can't eat grains this one is for you.  Maybe someone will enjoy this recipe as much as I did.  

Potato Biscuits: The Charm of Home
Anytime you cook with potatoes either white or sweet I have found that the bottom of the baking will be browner than with flour.  

Potato Biscuits: The Charm of Home
But, that didn't keep me form enjoying the first biscuit I have had in my mouth for over five years.  I drizzled honey on every...last...bite. 
1 large sized potato, peeled, boiled, and mashed
1 cup of potato flour
1  1/2 teaspoons Rumford aluminum free baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons lard
1 egg
about 1/2 cup potato water, from boiling (replaces milk)

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Peel, chop, and boil your potato.  Then mash it making it free from lumps.  Add the flour, salt, baking powder, and potatoes. Stir in the lard and potato water.  Mix all with the egg and roll out of a potato floured surface.  Cut with biscuit cutter.  Bake on parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 14-15 minutes.
Yield: 6 biscuits

Potato Biscuits: The Charm of Home
I am going to continue to search for recipes like this I can adapt and share with you.  I often do have the most luck baking from scratch and using vintage cookbooks.  They are the gold standard really in this modern time when food is hard to identify as food anymore.  
Other posts for those suffering with autoimmune disorders:

Potato Biscuits: The Charm of Home
This is one place to look where I have shared all of my healthy recipes.  They should all be dairy, grain, and nut free.  Look at the texture on that biscuit!  I am still excited about finding this recipe.  I actually took two of these biscuits and made hamburger buns with them.  That was a rare treat for me.
Happy baking! 


Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
Homemaking Linkup at Hope In Every Season 
Tickle My Taste Buds Tuesdays at Lori's Culinary Creations
Weekend Retreat Linky Party at AKA Design and Life
Foodie Friends Friday at Walking on Sunshine
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What to Do Weekends at Shoestring Elegance
Idea Box Thursday at Mila's Little Things
Five Star Frugal at A Tray of Bliss


  1. But did they taste good? Anything like a biscuit? (love the photography of this post - and I eat 'weird' like you do too! - yep - autoimmune stuff)

  2. They are savory. You do taste the potato. They would be delicious with cheese but, I can't have any.

  3. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je suis allergique au gluten et je me prépare des biscuits avec de la farine de maïs, de châtaigne, de riz...
    Cela est un véritable problème pour vous, comme je vous comprends.
    Merci pour le partage de cette recette. Ces biscuits me semblent savoureux ! En revanche, je ne tolère pas beaucoup les pommes de terre. Elles ne me font pas "mourir" mais je ne les digère pas bien du tout.

    Gros bisous ♡

  4. Excellent looking biscuits even if I don't have problems with grain. Would like to share with you that my daughter could barely walk 3 years ago and the doctor told her she had Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA) and sent her to a specialist. She was only 33. She had to wait 6 weeks for the specialist (he was so busy) and during that time someone suggested she see a Naturopathic Doctor (ND), which she did. The ND tested her and took her off all grains and such. All her symptoms disappeared, she got pregnant and had a healthy baby 18 months ago. I hope this helps someone out there who is getting shuttled around like you and my daughter did.

  5. Oh those look delicious. I also have autoimmune problems....celiac disease and thyroid dysfunction, so I completely understand what you're going through. Mine started at 40 after the birth of my son. I'm going to give them a try......thank you so much for the recipe!!!
    God bless you🙂

  6. Great photos Sherry. Now that's an interesting biscuit. They look tasty to me.

    Have a great week.


  7. Sherry,
    Your photography is such an inspiration to me, dear friend!!!
    Those potato biscuits look divinely delicious!!!
    And that honey dripping down. . .like a little slice of Heaven, indeed!!!
    Thank you for sharing about your allergies!!!
    We never know when we might help someone else along their journey!!!

  8. I'm fortunate to not have the eating limitations, but this sounds good to me - especially the option of using sweet potatoes. Growing up I thought I hated sweet potatoes, having only had the type that came canned in heavy syrup (even though I am totally addicted to sugar). My husband finally talked me into trying a fresh baked one, and my world was changed forever, lol.

  9. Sherry, so many people seem to be suffering from this sort of thing these days. I think you're right, you were meant to find this recipe and share it with us. While I don't have a problem eating flour, I do love potatoes and think these would be yummy. And I agree, your photos are always gorgeous!

  10. Brilliant! I love allergy sensitive recipes, because my little one is allergic to a few things herself. :)

  11. Sherry, those look good! Two non-grain things I use a lot in my gluten-free baking are coconut (not a nut) flour and tapioca flour, as well as potato starch.


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