
Monday, January 25, 2016

Winter Tea '16

Winter Tea : The Charm of Home
Winter came to most areas in the Eastern United States this week and we were no exception.  So, it is time for a winter tea.  

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11New Living Translation (NLT)

A Time for Everything

For everything there is a season,
    a time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
    A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
    A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
    A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
    A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
A time to search and a time to quit searching.
    A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to mend.
    A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
    A time for war and a time for peace.

What do people really get for all their hard work? 10 I have seen the burden God has placed on us all. 11 Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. 

Winter Tea : The Charm of Home
I have always liked that series of verses in the Bible.  It resonates with me.  It is time for winter.  Winter is usually seen as a time for reflection while we are awaiting spring. 

Winter Tea : The Charm of Home
So, while were are stuck indoors, what are you reflecting on?

Winter Tea : The Charm of Home
We got snow too, although it was so much less than what many places near here got.  So, outside just like in the bible verses above we can't yet see what all of the beauty of spring holds for us....  we cannot see the whole scope of God's plan for us in the near future can we?  Do you have faith that it will be amazing?  I do.
Teacup and plate by: Yokohama Studio


I will link this to:
There Is No Place Like Home at Rose Chintz Cottage 
Home & Garden Thursdayat A Delightsome Life 
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups 
Friends Sharing Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog 
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House 
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Vintage Charm at Charm Bracelet Diva
The Homemaking Party at Classical Homemaking


  1. Your tea setting looks so cozy. That's a nice dumping of snow!
    I enjoyed reading those familiar verses in NLT...

  2. What a beautiful post and I too always loved these verses. Your snow is lovely and I find snow cozy myself. It breaks up winter and causes us to relax! Thanks for sharing this lovely posting.

  3. That is a favorite scripture of mine as well..I don't know the future, but I know Who does! And it will be perfect for me! Love your pretty teacup. Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  4. Bonjour chère amie,

    La douceur d'une tasse de thé... et de belles pensées.
    Restez bien au chaud !...
    Gros bisous ♡

  5. Ah, the seasons of life! Solomon was certainly gifted with wisdom. I do believe that oft times we are placed in positions of quietness to reflect back and then look forward. Thanks for sharing that timeless passage of scripture! Have a wonderful week, Lynn

  6. What a beautiful winter's tea. Well done, it is just lovely, Sherry!

  7. Hi: I am so glad you posted that scripture, I really needed to hear that today. Yes, to answer your question I am sure the future will be amazing. Sending lots of hugs your way, Martha

  8. I haven't come across this verse before. thank you for your post. It's important to know that there is balance in everything in life.

    I think the snow in your backyard is lovely. We dont get that her in Sydney, for us that is a novelty.

    Enjoy and blessings!


  9. Love these verses. Love your teacup too.

  10. Everything in its time, everything in its season. Our resilience depends, I believe, on our faith and our hope, that spring will follow winter, that we are cared for and watched out for.
    I love that passage, and like so many brides, had it read at our wedding more than 40 years ago.

  11. That is a lovely tea cup! It looks like there are white dots accenting that are raised? Nice effect. Thank you for the lovely post!

  12. Sherry, your post is lovely and I have always loved that passage of scripture. Wintertime does slow us down and helps us to reflect on many things. If I didn't detest the cold so much I would probably enjoy it more. Pretty teacup! Thanks for sharing.


  13. Love that scripture and it fits your beautiful post so well. When I am stuck inside too long I reflect on all the projects I still have to do and want to do over the winter so I can be outside in the spring! I started ripping wallpaper off the wall in the dining room today so there's no turning back now!

  14. Sherry,
    Inspiring post, dear friend!!!
    The clock STOPs here every afternoon around three, for Tea!!!

  15. What a lovely post, Sherry. The pattern on your pretty blue and white teacup even looks like snowflakes!

  16. This was a lovely post. I like the idea of respecting time, especially on blogland where people always seem to be ahead of time.


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