
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Home Sweet Home #158

Hello and welcome to Home Sweet Home!  We all had some evil virus this week so I only had this President's Day Tea post in draft to share. 

Then, I shared The Easiest Cherry Hand Pies which was my recipe from the tea post.

There are so many great creative ideas, recipes, and beautiful homes at The Home Sweet Home party each week. Here are some of the great blogger's post that caught my eye from last week's Home Sweet Home.
Jacqueline of Cabin and Cottage shared her appreciation of grey in Celebrating Grey.

Have you ever seen Christine of Little Brags bunny?  He is a charmer in Happy Valentine's Day.

Sylvia of Sylvia's Simple Life had A Story for Valentine's Day and Any Other Day that is a must read!  It reminds me of the message in my new favorite movie About Time, so worth a watch and to be taken to heart.

Roxy from Living From Glory to Glory shared Making Paper Garlands...  They turned out really cute Roxy!

Does everyone remember Cielo of The House in the Roses?  Well she has a new blog (The Here and Now) and I was glad to find it a few weeks ago.  Here she shared How Are You Spending Your Winter Days?  Truly shared in her own romantic vision that I love to visit and get lost in!

Thank you to all who join me at Home Sweet Home!  It is always wonderful to have you here.

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Guidelines for Home Sweet Home Party:

Attention: To link up you must have a permalink back to this party in your post or you won't be featured.

Link up anything in your home or garden.  I love seeing home tours and neat shops too!

My button for the party is at the "Buttons" link at the top of the blog under the header, if you want to use it.   If you are new here I hope you will become a follower. Please don't link up more than two posts.  No Etsy link ups or direct advertising, please.  Please visit some of the other blogs and get some great inspiration.  Thanks.:)
Now let's see your beautiful home, delicious recipes, crafts, or whatever makes your home special!

 *If you are pinning a post submitted here, please pin from the original site.


  1. Hi Sherry,

    Such prettiness and elegance and decadence this week!! Beautifully photographed, both features and your own posts, thanks for hosting and have a lovely weekend!


  2. Hi Sherry, hope everyone is feeling better. Love your President's Day Tea vignette. Tasty. Great features (always). Have a good week.

  3. Thanks for hosting Sherry. Hope everyone is feeling ok now. Great features.

  4. Thanks so much for the party - loving the features - will have to check them out now!
    Have a great wknd

  5. Pretty features. Hope everything gets back to normal with your computer Sherry, but your President's Day photos are gorgeous! Thank you for the party sweet friend,

  6. All those photos are amazingly beautiful! Thank you for allowing me to link up!!

  7. oh those little pies look so delish, thanks so much for hosting, Sherry!

  8. Yum! Those pies look wonderful, Sherry. Thank you for hosting and enjoy your weekend. I hope you're feeling better. My, there's been a lot of viruses around this year.


  9. that sweet little bunny rabbit-too cute! thanks for hosting!

  10. Thanks for hosting Sherry, love the features this week an I'm off to visit.

  11. Thank you for hosting Miss Sherry! Your blue transferware dishes are stunning!!

  12. Hope you all feel better now, Sherry! Thanks for hosting :) Such beautiful tea setting! Hugs from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  13. I'm so happy to be featured among these other pretty posts this week, Sherry! Thanks so much! I hope your family is all feeling much better! Thanks once again for hosting!

  14. Hi Sherry, thanks so much for featuring our fuzzy little Valentine here today!!!He is a heart-breaker!!! xoxoxox Christine

  15. Sherry, I love your Presidents Day tea! The features are really wonderful. I will have to check out Ceilo's (spelling ?) new blog. Thanks for hosting.

  16. Thank you, Sherry, for featuring this wonderful story I love re-reading often. I am excited to see my blog among these inspiring bloggers; I adore Jacqueline's style. Hope you all feel better now.

  17. Sherry, I enjoyed my visit and loved browsing through other people's homes. Thank you for hosting.

  18. Thanks so much for hosting!

  19. Hi Sherry, thanks so much for hosting and I hope you feel better!
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  20. Sherry, I am sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. Hope you are on the mend! Cute bunny! :)

  21. What a fun party with EXCELLENT features!!
    hugs x, Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  22. Ahhh what an honor this is! Thank you so much for featuring my humble nest,
    Blessings from afar.


  23. Thank you for hosting. As a new blogger, I've enjoyed being part of your parties the past few weeks and seeing all the other lovely blogs.

  24. Hello lovely lady! I just wanted to pop by to link up and to invite you to join in with my 1st Say G'day link up for the year! I am hoping to get it back up again so would be so thrilled and of course very appreciative if you could join in.

    Take care and hope your weekend is fabulous.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  25. Dear Sherry, Oh, I was truly blessed and honored for featuring me for last week's link party. I am so glad to have had a picture and post you enjoyed. What can I say but thanks a bunch...
    Always, Roxy

  26. I love the tea set.
    Thank you for hosting the party!


Thank you wonderful people who take the time to comment. I appreciate them and love to connect with you.