
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter Spice Tea Cakes

Winter Spice Teac Cakes, The Charm of Home
Here in the Midwest we are deep in the throes of winter.  So to make the best of it I baked some Winter Spice Tea Cakes today with my tea.   

Winter Spice Teac Cakes, The Charm of Home
I was really excited to use this silicone cake mold from my sponsor Wholeport.

Winter Spice Teac Cakes, The Charm of Home
Here the spice cakes are popped right out of the pan.  I have never baked with silicone before.  It was a breeze to use and easy to clean.

Winter Spice Teac Cakes, The Charm of Home
I made a caramel glaze to go on the spice cakes.  I then drizzled it right on.

Winter Spice Teac Cakes, The Charm of Home
To finish the cakes off I sprinkled them with powdered sugar.  
Here is the link to the Winter Spice Cakes recipe

Winter Spice Teac Cakes, The Charm of Home
I have always wanted to make tea cakes.  They turned out so pretty.  What are you doing to wile away the wintry days?

The teapot and teacup are a white ironstone set that were unmarked.

Thank you to my sponsor Wholeport for supporting this baking project!

I will link this to:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life 
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tea Cup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups
Tea In The Garden at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm 
Strut Your Stuff Saturday at Six Sisters Stuff 
Homemaking Linkup at Hope In Every Season 
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
The Best Blog Recipes link party
What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants


  1. They are pretty and look so yummy! I love the silicone pan, I have one but it doessn't have the swirl like yours.

  2. These sound so good - pinning and going to buy the silicone mold to try - I haven't used one either :-)

  3. These sweet little cakes look delicious, just the thing for a cold winter day. You've inspired me to bake some for my family today!

  4. Sherry, I like your white tea set and those little tea cakes look wonderful. They resemble my sticky date pudding which I pour hot toffee sauce over. Same idea likely. I have some in the freezer and will be serving it one of these days. Thank you for stopping by for tea and enjoy your day.


  5. Those look so yummy. I am busy trying to pretend it is spring :)


  6. What delicious looking tea cakes! Wish I lived nearby, I'd drop in for a cuppa and one of those scrumptious looking treats! I think I can smell them from here!

    Well, while it's so cold outside, I'm just blogging away! Love Pinterest too!

  7. Oh my - those look wonderful and you are right - so perfect for this cold weather! So glad you shared at Friends Sharing Tea!

  8. Your cakes look great, Sherry! I have never cooked with silicone pans - do you place them directly on the oven racks? I too am "enjoying" the winter months in the midwest. Lots of indoor activities - and if the temp is 20 or above, I do walk the dog. She needs the exercise! And so do I!

  9. I've been wondering myself how the silicone baking pans would be - good to hear you give yours a positive rating.
    The cakes look delicious to have with a cup of tea, and I'm off to check the recipe.

  10. Those little cakes look marvellous and I love your angular tea set.

  11. Hello Sherry, I love your white tea set. It is just right for "deep winter". We are just in the beginning of a snow storm. Your tea time looks a treat to me right now. I would love one of your delicious desserts!

  12. Hi Sherry: Love the white set you shared today. Perfect for a cold winter day. Have a wonderful week Blessings, Martha

  13. Oh my! I am getting hungry just looking at your tea cakes! They look heavenly.
    Thank you for sharing.

  14. I've never baked with silicone before either, might be worth a try considering how nicely your tea cakes popped out !

    Your white winter tea scape is lovely , especially with the deer in the background. I think you've got the right idea for how to spend the winter days... cozy indoors with tea and baking.

  15. Hello Sherry! Wow- Fabulous photos. My goodness, your little spice cakes look absolutely delicious. A hot cup of tea would be wonderful with them. Have a nice week,

  16. Hi Sherry,

    You certainly make winter look and feel romantically charming and warm with these pretty winter spice tea cakes! Off to read the recipe and see about whipping up a batch of my own. Thanks for sharing.


  17. Hello Sherry, These look very good, perfect for tea! I may try something like this with a bit of a tweak on the sugars and flour choices. I have a roast in the oven, and so looking forward to a lovely meal.
    I was wondering if I put your info on my Link up post label on the top of my blog, could I ever join the party? I understand if not, it is okay. Not sure my post is what most of them look like. You know Mrs Teacher kinda post I write. I have enjoyed you very much. Let me know!
    Always, Roxy

  18. They look yummy, perfect for an afternoon tea!

  19. Oh wow, these sound so good. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  20. What a lovely table and the cakes look like the perfect winter treat- I never baked with silicone before but will have to give it a try!


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