
Monday, May 21, 2012

Real Peach Tea

I made some real peach tea to ponder over some summer travel plans.  Real peach tea is easy to make and it was a bigger hit in my house than the blackberry tea I made a few weeks ago. 

First, start with fresh peaches ripe and in season.  I had been waiting for peaches and they weren't in our groceries yet but, we went out of town this past weekend and I scored some fresh peaches from Georgia!
4 cups of hot black tea (such as orange pekoe or Darjeeling)
1 cup of peaches peeled and sliced
honey to taste or 3/4 cup of sugar

  • In a medium pot combine the hot tea with the peaches and simmer for 10 minutes. Getting the peaches soft brings out the most juice and flavor.
  • With the back of a wooden spoon, crush the peaches in the tea and then pour through a fine strainer into a pitcher.  I crushed mine again in the strainer.
  • Add honey to taste or use sugar.
  • I then pour this warm tea over a half of pitcher of ice.
  • Chill for at least 2 hours and serve.
Yield: 4-5 servings 
Does anyone remember Banana Republic before the Gap bought it?  It was one of my most favorite stores!! They had such imagination and creativity.

I never think of summer adventures without thinking of the old Banana Republic and their travel and safari clothing.   Pictured here is an original Panama hat from the old original Banana Republic in Hawaii.  My husband got it on our honeymoon.

Shown here is the Banana Republic Guide to Travel and Safari Clothing.  This guide tells the origins of so many classic pieces of clothing that never go out of style.

Teddy Roosevelt made the Panama hat a sensation when shown here overseeing the building of the Panama canal.  In 1906 this visit was the first time an American president ever set foot outside of the country during his term in office.  Every American man wanted to be as adventurous as Mr. Roosevelt.
I will link this to: 
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Friday Food at Mom Trends
Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum
On the Menu Monday at Stonegable 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage
Tuesday Cuppa Tea  at Antiques and Teacups
Your Cozy Home Party  at Cozy Home Scenes
Table Top Tuesday  at A Stroll Thru Life
Your Gonna Love It Tuesday  at Kathe With an E


  1. Oh so nice, I will try the tea.


  2. Hi Sherry! I love peach tea but alas, mine is just the powdered kind. The peaches around here are just never very good. You live in Georgia - the peach state! :) I grew up in Alabama and my aunt had a peach tree and those peaches were so good. She would fix them up and freeze them with lots of sugar. Then when we'd visit she would always pull a bag out of the freezer and let them thaw. When we ate them they were so cold and just a little bit frozen still in the middle. My mouth waters thinking about this today.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Your peach tea looks absolutely delicious! That's now on my summer drinks list! Thanks for the tutorial and for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  4. Hi Sherry,
    this peach tea looks lovely. I will try it in summer also. Thank you for this yummy recipe.
    best greetings, Johanna

  5. I know this would be a hit in our home! It looks delicious :)

  6. Sherry, your peach tea looks simply delicious! I will certainly have to give this a try. Thank you for sharing it with us and joining me for tea. Have a beautiful week.


  7. Sherry, Your peach tea sounds fabulous! I often have peach iced tea but haven't made it with real peaches. Great idea! Good luck with your travel plans, Sherry. I know you'll have a good time.
    Hugs, Beth

  8. It looks yummy, Sherry!
    Here in BC Canada we have local peaches in the summer!
    For sure I will try it and serve in it in this beautiful tea pitcher
    I have!

  9. We enjoyed the blackberry tea Mother's Day. I have heard Illinois peaches will be ready in about three weeks. I am going to give your peach tea a try. I bet it will be a hit at our house too.:-)

  10. The tea looks really good -- I may have to try it this summer when we have peaches!

  11. Your peach tea looks so refreshing. I'd like to try this when peach season starts here.
    Mary Alice

  12. Sherry, that peach tea looks amazing! I don't have any fresh peaches, but I did make peach preserves last fall and canned them. I bet I could use that for this recipe. I am SO trying this. I would love a glass right now! I'm you newest follower. Hope you'll follow me back?

  13. P.S. Yes, I remember Banana Republic! I think I had one of their very first catalogs. I wish I'd had the foresight to keep it!! I love the nostalgic photos on this post. :-)

  14. Oh, your peach tea looks delicious! I will try this tea.

  15. Mmmm, that looks very refreshing, Sherry.

  16. I love peach tea and will definitely try this as soon as I can get my hands on some real peaches!! (speaking of real and fresh, we would love for you to share this over at Farm Fresh Friday!) In the meantime, I'm pinning this to my Pinterest Board (keeping it safe till those peaches arrive) Such a fun post...enjoy your summer!!

  17. This sounds fabulous!! Thank You for the recipe, I can't wait to try it out....I LOVE peaches!!

    Have a wonderful week!
    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  18. ooo that peachtea! sooo delish!
    i am glad at least you are enjoying it ~ i am drooling :)

  19. Hi Sherry,
    Thanks for sharing your homemade peach tea recipe with us. I will have to give it a try when peaches are in season here. I'd love to have my own peach tree. That would be awesome! Hmmm maybe I will see about one. Have a wonderful week.

  20. The peach tea looks fantastic and I am going to try that very soon!...Yes, I remember Banana Republic before "The Gap" was of my very favorite shirts came from there....

  21. Hello Sherry, I haven't bought any peaches yet - I just love peach season! Your tea sounds so refreshing - perfect for your travel contemplations - I wonder did they have clothing as beautiful as those in the movie 'Out of Africa' I love the white, beige and cream colors of the clothing of that era.
    I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  22. My Dad still has several Panama hats, but only wears them to play golf in. He says they are cooler to wear and cover more area than a baseball hat in preventing sunburn. Your tea looks delicious Sherry....and something we Southerners can't get enough of in the summer. I've never tried making the peach tea myself, so thanks for the recipe and for sharing it at Your Cozy Home Party.

  23. I've never experienced real peach tea. It sounds wonderful.

    - The Tablecaper

  24. Mr. B loves the Snapple peach tea. I will make this for him and score some points :) Thanks for linking this up at the party this week! Have a terrific weekend (sipping on some tea?).

  25. Yummm! Can't get enough of great tea. This sounds wonderful! Thanks~

    -Laura and Blakeley
    Restoration Harbor

  26. Oh Sherry,
    I used to LOVE Banana Republic!!! I wanted so bad to pack a trunk of their clothes and go on Safari!
    Thank you SO MUCH for this recipe. It looks SO DELICIOUS! and I will be making it MINUS the sweetener. I take my tea and coffee BLACK!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  27. Hi,

    I randomly passed by your blog and I just want to say thank you for this recipe. I have always been fond of peach tea, but i didn't feel like drinking flavored tea bags.

    Once again, thank you very much for this recipe.

    Have a nice day.


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