
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Home Sweet Home #243

Pink Tea for October: The Charm of Home
Hello and welcome to Home Sweet Home!  This week I photographed A Pink Tea in October being that it is Breast Cancer Awareness month. 

There are so many great ideas, decorating, and delicious recipes at the Home Sweet Home Party each week.   All of you are very talented!  Fall has brought so many lovely posts to the party! Here are a few that caught my eye. I pin a lot from this party each week! These features were all pinned!

Gorgeous fall tablescape
Pam of Everyday Living shared some gorgeous fall inspiration in Orange You Glad It's Pumpkin Season?

Repurposing a frame for a tray
Ann at Tarnished Royalty shared this great vignette in  Repurposing Frames + A Little Bird Told Me.  
Fall Tea: The Charm of Home
Janet of Rosemary and Thyme shared the most romantic tea in Fall Evening Tea & Pumpkin Cake. You all know I am a sucker for gorgeous tea! 

Butternut Squash Soup: The Charm of Home
Jean at A Delightful Repast shared a fantastic recipe for one of my favorite fall soups in Butternut Squash Soup.

I have on several occasions wanted to feature some of your entries but, you don't create a link back to the Home Sweet Home party.  So, please include that link so I can feature you too!
I am really lucky to have all of your amazing posts because, it is you who make the Home Sweet Home party so special!  You are all so talented and share such wonderful posts!  It is really hard to feature a few and, remember to be featured you must have a link back to the Home Sweet Home party.   Thank you to everyone who joins me at Home Sweet Home!  It is wonderful to have you here!


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Guidelines for Home Sweet Home Party: 
Attention: To link up you must have a permalink back to this party in your post or you won't be featured.
Link up anything from your home or garden.   I love seeing home tours and neat shops too!
My button for the party is under the button tab at the top of the blog, if you want to use it.   If you are new here I hope you will become a follower. Please don't link up more than two posts.  No Etsy link ups or direct advertising, please.  Please visit some of the other blogs and get some great inspiration.  Thanks.:)

Now let's see your beautiful home, delicious recipes, crafts, or whatever makes your home special!

 *If you are pinning a post submitted here, please pin from the original source.


  1. THanks so much for the party Sherry !
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend ♥

  2. That soup is one of my favourites too! Thanks for hosting, Sherry, and have a lovely weekend.

    Autumn blessings,

  3. Beautiful styling in your photo. Thank you so much for hosting. Great features!

  4. Beautiful features. Thank you for hosting the party, Sherry, and have a splendid weekend!

  5. Thank you so much for featuring my vignette Sherry! I'm so happy to have become a regular "linker" at your party! ~Ann

  6. Sherry thanks for hosting another great party. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Thank you Sherry for Home Sweet Home 243. Love your two vignettes you shared. As always, loved the features. Appreciate visiting and joining in.

  8. Thank you for hosting Sherry such a fun party.

  9. Hi Sherry,
    Thanks so much for hosting!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Thank you for featuring my pumpkin post, Sherry! I look forward to partying with you every Thursday! Many blessings for your weekend!

    Pam (

  11. Thank you for the party, Sherry! Your styling was so pretty!

  12. Thank you Sherry! Your features are so pretty! Have a great weekend, Lynn

  13. That soup looks fantastic! Wish I had time for the witch party too! Thanks once again for a great party Sherry!

  14. Beautiful features! I'm going to make that butternut squash soup. Looks delicious!
    Thanks for hosting.

  15. So many great featured this week! Thank you for hosting!

  16. A very pretty, pink tea setting, Sherry. Thanks for hosting and have a lovely weekend.


  17. Thank you so much for hosting a wonderful party! Jo

  18. The Halloween blue transferware tablescape you featured is gorgeous.

  19. The features are so amazing - thank you for hosting and sharing all this wonderful creativeness withus. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Cathy

  20. Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you have a great weekend.

  21. Hello beautiful! I’m loving your party! Thank you for hosting. Please join us at our party that goes until Friday at 7 pm. We pin and tweet everything! Lou Lou Girls

  22. Hello Sherry,

    I love your post. You have beautiful style.

    Thanks so much for the feature. It is always a pleasure to join your party each week.


  23. Sherry, I love your gorgeous pink tea! All of the features are beautiful. I missed getting signed up for the Halloween tea party this year, but I must go read your post.


Thank you wonderful people who take the time to comment. I appreciate them and love to connect with you.