
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Jurassic Tea

Jurassic Tea: The Charm of Home
Tea today is just playful.  It is by the request of my youngest son.  He saw Jurassic World this past weekend and it is his new favorite movie. We had just been to Universal Studios and he bought this mug.  He asked me to make a tea with it for the blog and I said "okay." 

Jurassic Tea: The Charm of Home
Having raised three boys this movie brought back memories for me.  Jurassic Park was my second son's favorite movie for a long time.  We had the original dinosaurs the boys all played with and when I got them out I realized we had marked them with each boy's name to prevent fights when they were little. Looking back now they are such sweet memories of the children playing. 

Jurassic Tea: The Charm of Home
So for tea today disappear into to your favorite summer blockbuster and release your inner child for a tea break.  Mug made by Universal Studios.

This post has no affiliation with Universal Studios or Jurassic World.


I will link this to:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life 
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups 
Friends Sharing Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog 
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Your Going to Love it Tuesday At Kathe with an E
The Scoop at Confessions of a Plate Addict
Totally Terrific Tuesday at Live Randomly Simple
Project Inspire at An Extraordinary Day
Do Tell Tuesday at Maybe She Made It
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House 
Share your Style Thursday at Common Ground
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings-The Heart of the Home
What to Do Weekends at Shoestring Elegance
Idea Box Thursday at Mila's Little Things
Tuesday Garden Party at Simplify, Live, Love


  1. Sherry, this is such a cute post! Boys will be boys and yes, they love their dinosaurs! My oldest was into dinosaurs for years and he knew every one of them by name and could spell it too. I too raised three boys and I have such fond memories of them playing with their dinosaurs and other toys. They had great imaginations. Cute mug! Thanks for sharing and joining me for Tea Time. Enjoy your week, my friend.


  2. Adorable your boys want to have you set them up for tea! So sweet! The hubby and my younger two boys just went this weekend as well....they enjoyed it! Your setting is perfect for boys!

  3. The question though, is what flavor of tea do dinosaurs drink? I'd say an herbal tea of some sort, I bet the kid knows ;-)

  4. How cute! Did the dinos cause ripples in the mug of tea? Hee!

  5. Cute idea! Every day some one new is talking about Jurassic World.

  6. I saw the preview of that movie and thought it would scare me to death. Ha! You are a great Mom! I am sure he was delighted.

  7. So, so cute. :)

    You know now you have to safeguard those dinos until well into your sons' adulthood they ask for them again. :)

  8. Oh Sherry - so sweet that you saved the dinosaurs - and love that they have their names on them !!!

  9. Sherry they grow up way too fast don't they? This is such a sweet post. Will have to take my son to see the new Jurassic movie cuz he loves the first one. Thank you so much for sharing at SYS and have a great week!
    XO Barbara


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