
Monday, April 6, 2015

April Showers...

April Tea: The Charm of Home
April showers have brought April flowers here at my home. We had spring thunderstorms Thursday and Friday of last week.  So much rain always causes a profuse blooming of flowers, such a welcome sight this year.  Teacup by Gracie china.     

April Tea: The Charm of Home
Things are blooming out in just two days time and then all of the sudden it's green!  

April Tea: The Charm of Home
So, that made me take tea on the front porch and I perched my cup here on a rock in the front flower bed.  I picked a handfull of these flowers to take in for a mini bouquet.  

April Tea: The Charm of Home
Even in the backyard everything is coming up flowers!
Have you been outside and taken in a view of spring?

I will link this to:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life 
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups 
Friends Sharing Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog 
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Your Going to Love it Tuesday At Kathe with an E
The Scoop at Confessions of a Plate Addict
Totally Terrific Tuesday at Live Randomly Simple
Project Inspire at An Extraordinary Day
Do Tell Tuesday at Maybe She Made It
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House 
Share your Style Thursday at Common Ground
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings-The Heart of the Home
What to Do Weekends at Shoestring Elegance
Idea Box Thursday at Mila's Little Things


  1. So pretty, and such a lovely teacup. Our ground is still frozen so it will be a while til we see flowers, but I'm happy to know they're in other parts of the country.

  2. Such a pretty teacup but then I have its mate! The violets are very sweet. I am amazed at the flowers you have blooming. I know it's lovely there because my son was telling me last night. He lives in Urbana.
    I'm jealous because we still have seven feet of snow to melt and the cold weather is keeping it around longer. Underneath the snow is seven feet of frost in the ground. I am yearning for green grass outside my window. Sigh, it will come. I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend and thank you for joining me for tea.


  3. Love your pretty teacup's purple chintz design. It snowed here on Easter but some heavy rainfall is heading our way later this week!

  4. Such a floral prettiness :-)

  5. Hi: Love the pretty violets on your tea cup. Perfect for Spring. Hope you had a good Easter. Sending blessings your way. Hugs, Martha

  6. Such pretty china, I do love tea cups & Spring flowers.
    Enjoy this beautiful day.
    Fondly Michelle

  7. What a cute idea to take that sweet teacup outside for a Spring photo shoot, I love the look of it on that rock, very nice!
    Happy Tuesday!

  8. Pretty violets. A favorite flower of mine. We are beginning to see the bulbs popping up but that is all so far.

  9. GORGEOUS pics - so beautiful in every way. Happy Spring! Finally, huh?

    Have a blesssed day!

  10. Hi Sherry, I love, love your beautiful violet-covered teacup and saucer!! The real flowers are lovely too. :) Yes, I have been outside to enjoy the pretty spring blooms and green grass. We did yard work on Saturday, and I swept the front porch yesterday and took a few pictures. It's a wonderful time of year.

    Happy Belated Easter to you and have a great week!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  11. The shower is worth it if you come back home to have tea in that lovely teacup!

  12. Love your chintz teacup...looks like the phlox glowing in the gardens at the moment. I love daffodils and wish they were around for longer too! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  13. What lovely photos. Lovely first blooms, lovely cup.

    Thanks for sharing your moment. :)

  14. Thanks for taking the time to link up with us!
    Mila (Idea Box)


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