
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Jane Austen Cookbook

The Jane Austen Cookbook
Before August is over, I have one more book to include in the Austen in August reading challenge!  I have found yet another book about Jane Austen that I really enjoyed.  The only thing I like to read more about than gardening is cooking.  So, right after I read In the Garden with Jane Austen; I went to my local library and found this book, The Jane Austen Cookbook.  It might not be for everyone, but if you like history, cooking, and Jane Austen you will like this cookbook.   It was first published in 1995 by The British Museum Press.  This book was the perfect accompaniment to the first book I read, In the Garden with Jane Austen because the garden book made you familiar with the gardens and properties Jane visited and then the cookbook mentions them when it discusses her meals which were harvested from the kitchen gardens and the social visits she made to these properties. 

The Jane Austen Cookbook
The heart of the cook book is based around Martha Lloyd's 'Household Book.'  Martha was a dear friend that lived with the Austen family for many years and recorded the recipes.  The actual book recorded by Martha is now on display at Jane Austen's house in Chawton.  A selection of the original recipes have been tested and modernized for today's cooks and are included in this cookbook.  The introduction describes Jane's interest in food, based on her novels and letters, and explains the social conventions of shopping, eating and entertaining in the late Georgian and Regency England.  Some of the recipes included that surprised me were: Macaroni (not quite like we make it now), several curry recipes (the British love their curries but I didn't realize how long that has been going on), onion soup (which we now only call French Onion soup (but it was served in Regency England), and Spruce Beer (of which in much searching the authors of the cookbook cannot trace the origin of the essence of spruce, so they had no equivalent to convert the recipe for).  All in all it was a fascinating read for us history buffs and gives you much insight into the Regency Era.

Petit Point by Royal Albert
I had to squeeze in a picture of a sweet little Royal Albert teacup.   The pattern is Petit Point and it works beautifully with this post because every wonderful accomplished Regency Era lady could work her way around a needlepoint, as well as a piano, and the dance floor! 

This post was written by Sherry of The Charm of Home blog. 
She can also be found at and Twitter@ SherryTCOH.


  1. Everyone loves Jane Austen. The books both sound fascinating, especially the cookbook. I love history too, English in particular. Delighted to see my teacup in your post. It fits right in. Thanks for sharing and joining me for tea, Sherry, and enjoy the long weekend coming up.


  2. mercy! another book to look for lol! it sounds wonderful! thanks for sharing!

  3. Lovely, what an unusual teacup, too!

  4. Thanks for sharing wonderful information, it is really nice information.
    Inspirational Modern Home designed

  5. Anything Jane Austin is just wonderful by me!

    Lovely, Sherry!


    Sheila :-)

  6. I love everything in this post. What a gorgeous book cover. It's so appropriate for early Fall, as we celebrate harvest and apples.
    And that tea cup - it's so unique and pretty.
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    PS I'm a big fan of Nigella Lawson

  7. I am a huge Jane Austen fan! Have you ever been to the Oxford YouTube site? One of their English Lit professors gives a wonderful lecture on Jane Austen. I think you might enjoy it. Thank you for the party and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  8. That is one of my all time favorite cups! I just love it. I am going to get me one of those one day. Have a wonderful week. Thank you for joining Tea Cup Tuesday. Blessings, Martha

  9. What a beautiful cover on that Jane Austen cookbook. It looks so inviting I'll have to see if I can find a copy. I love your pretty tea cup, so unique looking!

  10. Extraordinario libro!
    y la taza imitando punto cruz me encantó.

  11. I have a Jane Austen table at my store so this cookbook is one I love! So glad you shared at TEa In The Garden.

  12. This is a good idea for a Christmas present for someone I know. I would like it too! and I recognized that cup before you even mentioned it was from Sandi. Very pretty!

    Have a good weekend Sherry.

  13. You had me at Jane Austen! That looks like a really interesting book to read--thanks for telling me about it! I found one a few months ago in my local library about Tea with Jane Austen that was a really interesting read with a lot of the history around tea during the late 1700s early 1800s. I hope you have a good weekend!

  14. I'm going to look for this cookbook now! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  15. I just put a hold on the only copy in the Georgia library system! Thanks :)


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