
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Taste for Fall

Are you ready for fall yet?  I saw the first red maple leaf on the ground by the house the other day and I got a little giddy.  I have been perusing the stores weekly for the first hint of fall.  I often am the person that gets in the middle of the aisle while the stores clerks are putting fall up and I am sure they are wishing I would leave.  My pursuit has been successful, I found some fall potholders and I thought there wasn't a better time to replace my old ones than right now.  I have had the same potholders for over 20 years.  With all the baking I have been doing it was high time to replace them with these cute little potholders.  I found these at the Dollar Store for $1 a piece.  You just can't beat that.

Like my mug?  I found this at TJ Maxx.   There is no marking on it.  Today I am having hot black tea.  I don't usually drink anything in my tea or coffee.  I drink it straight and black.  

The apple topped cinnamon roll is just out of a can.  I made this for my oldest college boy for breakfast. He was most appreciative.  I was in a hurry, making this out of a can.  I really like food from scratch, but some days it just isn't practical.   With school back in session we are back on a school schedule and getting all the busyness that goes with it.
Are you looking forward to fall?
I will link this to:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life 
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tea Cup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups 
Friends Sharing Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog 
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style

Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Say G'Day at Natasha in Oz
Cottage Style Party at Lavender Garden Cottage 
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olsen
Your Going to Love it Tuesday At Kathe with an E
Project Inspire at Cupcakes and Crinoline
The Scoop at Confessions of a Plate Addict
Weekends are Fun Party at Oh My Heartsie Girl
Time Travel Tuesdays at Brambleberry Cottage


  1. It looks so delicious that it is hard to believe it came from a can! xoxo

  2. Nope, I'm not looking forward to Fall. Give me Spring and Summer all year round and I would be ecstatic! Our Falls turn cold very quickly and then our Winters are brutal.

    The potholders are very cute and so is your mug.

    Yes, PEI and the Royal Family have close ties and always have. We are still part of the British Commonwealth and the Queen is our Queen. Our flag was Britain's flag, the Union Jack, up until the sixties when Canada got a flag of its own. PEI has visits by the Royal Family almost every second or third year. So, we see a lot of them. Canada has a Prime Minister just as England does and our Governor General represents the Queen here in our country. It's all quite interesting really.

    Thank you for joining me for tea and have a lovely week, Sherry.


  3. That is the cutest mug and potholder. I go through pot holders fairly quickly. I have a few to make soon, but not as cute as the owl you have.

  4. I am looking forward to fall. Every day by noon it is over 100 degrees. That mug is so cute and I love the blue shade!

  5. Kitchen towels and potholders - always love them and your potholder will be fun to use!

  6. What a yummy cinnamon roll! Love your owl potholders and cup tea cup! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  7. The cinnamon roll looks delish! I do love fall, but I am still trying to hold onto summer!

  8. Hey, lady!

    To answer your question, no I am not ready for fall. I can't even believe that summer is over. Where did it go? And I have a young friend going out for rush and one that just finished. The godchildren are back in school, and that is hard to believe, too. I always liked school when it started after Labor Day and ended by the first of June.

    Well, my friend, I have been a bad blogger and MIA since spring which saw me busier than a one-armed paper hanger. I also re-injured my hand (someone shook it too hard at church) and then fell again recently. ARGH. So I am in the throes of recuperation which is a good thing. The hand is much, much, MUCH better so I am going to see how it goes with blogging and joined a couple of tablescape memes. We shall see.

    Hope all is well with you and that you are enjoying life.

    Sending you big, big hugs...



  9. wow....I didn't think I was ready yet until now!

  10. Yum, cinnamon rolls. Sweet potholder...a $1!!! Great deal...

  11. Hi: Love your new pot holders. It is funny how somethings we use over and over, until they die. I am like that too. Thank you for praying for my family. It is really struggling right now. Hugs, Martha

  12. I love the tea mug thats really cool. Your right homemade is best, but out of the can works!!

    Thanks for sharing this week,have a great weekend


  13. I know what you mean about cooking from scratch, but oh gosh, I love those cinnamon rolls from the can. And I've never seen one photographed so beautifully! :)


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