
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Another Really Easy Naked Cake

Fudge & Strawberry Naked Cake
This is yet another type of naked cake, a bare bundt cake with drizzled icing.  I was really in the mood for chocolate to go with the strawberries this week.  So I gave it a go.

Fudge & Strawberry Naked Cake
This was a Pillsbury box mix.  It was called Fudge Truffle.  The mix had a filling packet that you mixed up separately and added to the batter.  It said on the box not to get the filling near the side of the pan.  My bundt pan is an odd shape and I must have gotten the filling near the edge in one area because the filling was showing on the top of the cake when I turned it over.  Never fear I am covering that up later.

Fudge & Strawberry Naked Cake
Fudge & Strawberry Naked Cake
Here is the truffle filling as pictured on the box.  You add that last to the pan before baking and the filling magically sinks through the batter to this spot in the cake.

Fudge & Strawberry Naked Cake
I put the cake in the freezer to cool and to set.  Then I pulled it out and iced it right away as directed by the package.  The cake being cold made the icing not drizzle as I had pictured.  It sorta froze as it dripped down the sides, so I had to add more.  More icing is never a problem right?

Fudge & Strawberry Naked Cake
I used this strawberry icing.

Fudge & Strawberry Naked Cake
I have loads of strawberries blooming in the backyard and I decorated the cake with strawberries and raspberries from the grocery, the strawberry blooms, leaves, and a few rose buds.  It covers the cake's flaws nicely.     

I will link this to:
Encouraging Homemakers Link Party at Living From Glory to Glory 
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm 
Strut Your Stuff Saturday at Six Sisters Stuff 
Homemaking Linkup at Hope In Every Season 
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
The Best Blog Recipes link party 
Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party
Table It! at Rustic & Refined
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Creative Ways link party at Posed Perfection
Your Going to Love it Tuesday At Kathe with an E
Project Inspire at An Extraordinary Day
Anything Goes Party at Bacon Time with the Hungry Hypo
Sweet and Savoury Sunday at Baking in Pyjamas
What I Made Yesterdayat Oh! My Heartsie Girl
Tickle My Taste Buds Tuesdays at Lori's Culinary Creations


  1. What an absolutely beautiful cake and I'm sure it's just scrumptious! How wonderful to have your own fresh strawberries in your backyard! That is awesome!

  2. Hi Sherry:
    I switched my linking tool today to In Linkz and it is working - please come back and link up your post for Tea In the Garden. Your cake is wonderful!!!

  3. chocolate fudge flaws in that. It does look yummy.

  4. What a beautiful cake. It's making my tummy growl!

  5. What a beautiful cake!! It looks like spring!!
    I do love chocolate so this is a cake for me. Blessings, Catherine

  6. Thanks for stopping by Oh My Heartsie Girl. This cake looks decadent!!! WOW, I could starve for a day to eat some.

  7. This looks positively delish! Love your blog. I'm your newest follower!

  8. Wow does this look amazing! I found you over at Wake Up Wednesdays. I host Tickle My Tastebuds Tuesday and would love it if you linked up this recipe. I’m sure our party goers would love it as much as I do. Here is the link Have a wonderful day!!

  9. You make incredible cakes! Beautiful. Pinned. Thanks for being a part of our party. We really appreciate you stopping by. I hope to see you on Monday at 7 pm.
    Happy Saturday! Lou Lou Girls

  10. I can't wait to make this! I have pinned your tasty recipe to the Tickle My Tastebuds pinterest board and will be featuring it this week! Can't wait to see what you link up this week!

  11. are the cake queen!! I featured your gorgeous cake at Project Inspire{d}!!


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