
Monday, March 31, 2014

Sights of Spring

My yard is not looking very spring like yet but, it will get there.  Meanwhile, I am pulling a collage out of the archives to take the chill off these barren spring days.  Is it spring yet where you live?

I will link this to:

Mosaic Monday at Little Red House
Wake Up Wednesday at Sew Crafty
What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
Seasonal Sunday at The Tablescaper


  1. Your collage is so pretty. I can't wait to work in our back yard this year. It is sort of a work in progress.

  2. Bonsoir chère amie,
    Un joli Patchwork de photos.
    Chez moi le printemps fut très précoce et je ne m'en plaindrai pas !
    Les fleurs naissent un peu partout et les feuilles d'un vert acide couvrent les arbres. Que du bonheur!
    Gros bisous

  3. Hi Sherry,
    Your spring collage is lovely! I wish I knew how to do a collage. We have a sunny day today in B.C. and it is a welcome change from our rainy weekend. Hope spring comes to you soon. Have a wonderful week! Karen

  4. We're cautiously optimistic here in the Chicago suburbs...warmest day of the year today, 60 degrees. Back to 40's and 50's tomorrow:( Thanks for the pretty flowers of hope. xoKathleen

  5. No. Here there are little beginnings. But nothing to write home about.

  6. Oh yes, Spring comes early in the Arizona Desert and stays briefly before the heat makes it so that you definitely remember you're living in a Desert! *smiles* We almost always hit our triple digits by April, so for now we're enjoying bearable temps that make every day Sublime! Thanks for coming by for a Blog Visit and leaving Sweet Encouragement!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  7. Yes, everyone, esp here in the north, is so ready for spring!! Your collage is very pretty.

  8. It's not spring yet here in NJ, but it's slowly coming. My daffodils are poking through the ground, and other things are showing signs of life!

  9. Spring is almost here :) I like your spring collage. Greetings from London!
    Carpet Cleaners SW19

  10. Can't wait to see your spring looking yard! I haven't planted my spring flowers in the garden too and it looks darker and abandoned! It's time for a change, don't you think?
    Spring cleaner SE1

  11. Thanks for sharing your lovely blog with us today at Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party, such a lovely photo. I so want to see spring time come. I love those Fairy Cakes and Pixie Dust that you made the other day too. I'd love to have you link those up too.
    Have a wonderful day.

  12. Such, a beautiful makes me take a deep breath and sigh!

  13. I too can't wait for spring to bloom in our yard.

    So wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays. Looking forward to having you join this weekend as well!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper


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