
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Making Rose Sugar

Roses aren't usually the first thing you think of to bring in from the garden to the kitchen.  But, roses can be used for a variety of culinary purposes.  One way to use roses in your cooking is to make rose flavored sugar.  It is made exactly the same way you make vanilla scented sugar.

There are two methods to make the sugar.  I will show you this method first. (source: Mad About Herbs)

1 cup of fresh organic fragrant rose petals
3/4- 1 cup of white sugar

  • I first chopped the white end off of the rose petal.   This part of the petal tends to taste bitter so I removed it.

  • Next, I finely chopped the rose petals up.

  • Next you need to place some sugar in a mortar and mix by pounding the petals into the sugar.

  • If you want to serve the sugar with this gorgeous pink color you must serve it now freshly mixed.  It has the most fragrant smell just like the roses.
  • After mixing place in an airtight glass jar for storage.
  • The reason I tell you to serve it fresh is because the color turns brown overnight.  I made this last night and today when I saw it had browned I was disappointed.  It also smells more fruity. 

The other way to make rose sugar I found in The Herb Companion.  

  • Take a clean pint jar with a tight fitting lid.   Fill the jar about 1/3 full with sugar, scatter a small handful of very fragrant rose petals over the sugar.
  • Cover the petals with sugar so the jar is 2/3 full; add another small handful of rose petals and cover with sugar to fill the jar, leaving about 1/2 inch headspace.
  • Shake the jar and place on a shelf in a cool dark place.  The sugar will be ready to use in 2 to 3 weeks and will become more flavorful with age.  As, the sugar is used, add more plain sugar, which will take on the fragrance in the jar.

Uses for rose flavored sugar:
1. Stirred into coffee or tea
2. Use instead of plain sugar when baking cakes, scones etc.
3. Sprinkle onto desserts, cakes, cookies, muffins
4. Use to make syrups or add to the rim of cocktail glasses
Note*  If you use this method, you can mix your white sugar with a pink sanding sugar and get the beautiful pale pink sugar.  
I will link this to: 
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Friday Food at Mom Trends
Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum
What's It Wednesday   at Ivy and Elephants  
Thriving on Thursdays  at Domesblissity
On the Menu Monday at Stonegable 
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays


  1. Interesting! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I've learned something new today! Thanks for sharing! I can see using this at a bridal luncheon or tea party!

  3. My gourmet hubby will love too. Your newest follower!

  4. Sherry:

    I just found your blog in my wanderings - lovely :)

    Here's a hint - if you want the lasting rose scent without the brown, you can use the leaves of rose-scented geraniums. I've been doing this for quite a while and the scent lasts a good long while after you remove the whole leaves. I just bruise them up a bit before putting them in the sugar, then remove them when the scent is where I want it.

    Thanks for a charming blog!

  5. Hi, Sherry!!
    Now I want to have Rose Sugar with my tea!!!
    Thank you for sharing!

  6. Hi lovely lady.
    Thanks for sharing with us sweet lady.
    XXOO Diane

  7. How cool is that? It would make a great impression at a party!
    and wonderful for Valentine season.

  8. Hhmmm, so fine! Thanks for the instructions!
    Greetings from Rosalie ∙ ∙ ♥ ♥ ∙ ∙

  9. Doesn't it look pretty when it's pink. I wonder if a little food colouring would be OK in the one that turned brown?
    The roses are gorgeous too.

  10. Very pretty! I recently had rose petal cupcakes at a Vegan restaurant . . . it is SUCH a lovely scent and flavor -- thanks for sharing this information.

  11. I haven't tried this. I love roses~ so it will be a tea day~ Thanks for the recipe. Have a great week!


  12. This is fabulous!!! We started a rose garden on our property last year .. can't wait to try this... xo HHL

  13. Thanks for sharing on Simple & Sweet Fridays! Have a great week...


  14. Thanks for this recipe Sherry. I have never made rose sugar and wondered how to do it. I saw this on your shortbread cookies and they look so good. My roses haven't started blooming yet but as soon as they do I'm going to make some. Also which method do you prefer? I know you were disappointed with the color the next day so do you prefer the layering
    method? Either way I want to try it. I guess if I were giving a tea and used the first method then I should use it the day of the tea and not wait. It makes the sugar so pretty and looks so fresh. Thanks for sharing. And I really do appreciate your linky parties. I've been to so many great blogs because of your party. Hope to link up this week.


  15. I can see this is an old post but it looks delightful. I shall make some and see how it turns out


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