
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Joy of Gardening

source: scanned image from Victoria April 1995

In observance of Earth Day I am doing an ode to gardening.  I fondly remembered the old Victoria magazine's features on gardening and decided to dig them out and see what images I could come up with.  I have tore out these features and long since thrown the magazines away.  If I knew the the date of the feature I have posted it here as the source, otherwise I don't know the date.

 source: scanned image from Victoria magazine

This was from the magazine and it was also the cover of the magazine.  If ever I get to visit England I would love to see a cottage like this.  Isn't this rose bush magnificent!

source scanned image from Victoria magazine

Victoria magazine often took us to England.  Here we get a bird's eye view of a spectacular manor house walled garden.

source: scanned image Victoria magazine

This image is one of the inspirations for my own kitchen garden.  Here is a herb garden right out the kitchen door at another manor house.

source: scanned image Victoria magazine

Always enchanted by a path in a garden.

source: image scanned from Victoria magazine Jan. '91

Victoria did many features on white long before I ever remember anyone else showing it.  Here they featured an all white garden.

source: image scanned from Victoria magazine Jan. '91

 The white garden at night becomes a magical place as a moonlit garden.

 Now, here in my own yard the plants have been spilling over the walk and the flower border with abandon. 

 I just this year have a rose garden.  You don't have to spend a lot of money to have roses.  I picked these roses up at Walmart last year.  I would get a rose every week with the groceries.  They only cost around $4 and some change a piece.

I have four rose bushes and they have really been beautiful this week.

Right out the back door in a shrub a mother robin has taken up residence to raise her young.  Not wanting to disturb the nest, I stuck the camera above my head and aimed and caught a peak at the beautiful eggs.
  I will join: 
Show off Your Cottage Monday  at The House in the Roses  
Seasonal Sundays  at The Tablescaper
Say G'Day Saturday  at Natasha in Oz
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life
Your Cozy Home Party  at Cozy Home Scenes


  1. Very beautiful photos, I am dreaming of a rose garden too, maybe next year!

  2. your roses are beautiful, they always do so good in the spring when it is cool.

  3. Just look at your darling boy! You have captured his delight so well! Well, nothing more gorgeous than a page from Victoria. Such beautiful images. Perfect for the day. And how smart about your roses. SO many beautiful colors. I am looking forward to a few here. A week or so maybe? Loved your post!

  4. I am in awe of all the beautifuls you shared today. BUT the wee one with the frog is the most precious.

    Have a beautiful weekend
    TTFN ~

  5. Beautiful post! Victoria has always been one of my favorites...especially the older ones, and try as I may, I can never get rid of them! :) Happy Earth Day to you and thanks for sending beauty our way!! Blessings~~Shine

  6. Beautiful, beautiful post... It's true, white flowers really stand out at night, they seem to glow. Love that! Have a wonderful Sunday.

  7. Sherry, All such glorious images for Earth Day!! I would love to spend the rest of the day tucked away in a rose garden!! Enjoy your day...ribbittt!!

  8. beautiful! love the roses too... and your son and his tree frog are so cute!

  9. What a glorious post this is and your roses are truly wonderful!

  10. Sherry, your roses are gorgeous! I know you are showing us the gardens in the Victoria pages, but did you notice the brickwork and the window casings and panes on the second image? Fabulous!! The best for last--what could make a little boy happier than his own frog in his swing set!! Linda

  11. Dear Sherry, I love every issue of Victoria. I'm so happy I have the whole collection plus hard covered books..And your roses are beautiful. We think we may have a handle on ours this year. We get an infestation of beetles that eat them as fast as we can grow them. We MIGHT have that figured out this year. But, we are not even close to rose time yet! I love the look of joy on your son's face as every boy loves frogs and toads.. priceless moments..

  12. Sherry, I think some of the old Victoria issues were the very best. Thank you for sharing them with us. Your garden looks lovely and what a treat for you to have the little birds nest and also for your son with the tree frog.

  13. Dearest Sherry,
    Oh, how I love the images you've posted from Victoria Magazine! I enjoy sitting for hours reading each one of it's lovely pages...and, it's, especially, nice with a hot cuppa tea by my side!
    Your roses are glorious...a masterpiece!
    I wish you a wonderful week ahead!
    Carolynn..."Chenille Cottage" (my new blog)

  14. There is no place more wonderful for seeing beautiful and charming gardens than in England. Thank you for sharing these lovely images.

  15. Hi! Sherry,

    What a lovely post! Just luvvvvvv the English cottage. I agree! The rose bush is stunning! We have rose bushes and some are the climbing variety. They smell sooo nice!

    Thank you! for sharing such a charming post & photos.

    Have a sunny week!

    Blessings & Hugs,

  16. Beautiful images! My roses aren't in bloom yet so I'm enjoying the beauty of yours.

    Blessings and happy gardening,


  17. The magazine photos are just beautiful. The first one is my favorite. I have grown exactly one rose bush. How pathetic is that? I shouldn't even show my brown thumb on an earth day post.

  18. Beautiful. I have a stack of Victoria and Romantic Home Magazines I cannot get rid of. I love to get a handful of them and just look through them again.

    I want a rose garden.

  19. Those roses are so beautiful! One day I want to have a rose garden, I love all the pictures you posted!

  20. Don't you love to daydream about living in one of those old English garden cottages. Such a fun and beautiful escape! Visiting from CHS

  21. Great images - yours and Victoria's.I too would love to visit one of those cottages some day.

    Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays. Be sure to visit my most recent post to learn of my GIVEAWAY.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Your hostas and ferns are very pretty together Sherry. I love seeing the different colors of foliage together, as that is what makes a garden interesting. I'm grateful that our shady yard has just enough sun for a few roses to grow. They are great for color, aren't they? I always love seeing your posts at my party...if you didn't see it, you were featured last week. Thanks for sharing another great post this time. Have a great Thursday!


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