
Monday, May 11, 2015

Nature Lover

My tea today is highlighting the nature lover in me.  I have kind of taken for granted what I enjoy for a long time.  I tend to give way too much to my family and don't have much left for me at the end of the day.  The wonderful thing about this blog is that it has been a long voyage of self discovery. The excavating seems to get a little deeper all of the time and something that has been a renewed discovery for me lately is that I am a big nature lover.  I forget that I grew up outside everyday. 

This was my playground.  I took this picture this weekend.  It is a view from about where my bedroom window used to be as a little girl.  There is around 300 acres here that I so enjoyed.  I wasn't afraid of anything and didn't let much stop me from where I roamed from a very early age. 

It wouldn't be unusual for me to come in from a day's adventure and have a handful of things similar to this, minus the tea and the gardening book.  

My father grew up on this farm also and he actually sent my son this hummingbird nest in the mail.  My son is fantastic at finding four leaf clovers.  He found this one for me.

The tea mug is the Heritage Rose pattern by Roy Kirkham.   The Kitchen Gardens book is one of my very favorite gardening books.  It is illustrated by Tasha Tudor.  Such a good practical little gardening book about herbs and vegetables.

For tea today I really enjoyed getting out in the backyard and pretending I was young again loading up my tea tray with a collection from nature.  I had to stop and notice the little things like how the columbine are dropping their blossoms in the bird bath.  I thought it was kind of pretty.

The clematis has found the lilac bush and decided to use it for a trellis.   

The iris have bloomed.  If I hadn't gone out for tea I wouldn't have even noticed them.  The iris are actually from my Grandmother's garden in Kentucky.  I brought them here where I live years ago.

Here is another planter in the yard that is loaded with a vibrant collection of colors from the local garden center.

Are you a nature lover?  Do you still get out and enjoy it?  If you don't, why not?


I will link this to:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life 
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups 
Friends Sharing Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog 
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Your Going to Love it Tuesday At Kathe with an E
The Scoop at Confessions of a Plate Addict
Totally Terrific Tuesday at Live Randomly Simple
Project Inspire at An Extraordinary Day
Do Tell Tuesday at Maybe She Made It
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House 
Share your Style Thursday at Common Ground
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings-The Heart of the Home
What to Do Weekends at Shoestring Elegance
Idea Box Thursday at Mila's Little Things
Tuesday Garden Party at Simplify, Live, Love


  1. So gorgeous - love your teapot, too!
    (I tend to love those birdies!)

    Did you know you are a noreply blogger?
    Just wondering.

  2. How amazing to grow up around so much land to play on. I have always lived in Los Angeles and plots are not very big. Your tea pot is beautiful. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  3. Beautiful! I love your nature tea tray. The mug is lovely, and I love the hummingbird nest! What a treasure! Your garden is lovely! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  4. I love this post, the photos are inspiring. Many times I imagine myself having something just like this. A tray of tea, a book, in a pretty garden filled with flowers... Maybe someday I would be able to fix our backyard to and have some flowers there... where to start? lol... Thanks for your post.

  5. What a pretty photo shoot with these sweet vignettes set on a tray. I love the cookbook with Tasha's art on the cover. Sounds like you are similar to Tasha Tudor too! Lovely posting and sharing of memories.

  6. Love your teapot and Tea mug with roses! I enjoy nature and sit outside as often as I can. Love watching the birds and listening to their singing!

  7. Your tray is charming set with the pretty cup and birdie teapot. Love the sweet humming bird's nest. I am a big nature lover and I thrive being outdoors in the warm weather. Walks in the woods and along the beach are my favourite things to do. I love the sounds of the songbirds and spring peepers behind our home this time of year. It's nature at its best living close to the city. You had a wonderful place to grow up in, Sherry, and I enjoyed reading about it.


  8. i love your pictures!!!!!!! angie

  9. Hi Sherry,
    Yes, I am a nature lover and I do get out to enjoy it, especially in my own yard and on my front porch. Your post is absolutely beautiful and I enjoyed hearing about your childhood and seeing where your house once stood. What precious memories. Your photos reminded me of something Beatrix Potter would have loved, after all she was a nature lover as well. :)
    Have a wonderful week,

  10. What a special place to grow up! I love being outdoors!

  11. What pretty images!

    I know what you mean about taking things for granted. I've worked at the same place for years and have only realized that there are trails nearby that I can explore during my lunchbreak. So I am making an effort to spend more time out in nature this spring and summer!

  12. How fortunate you are to have enjoyed the farm in your early years! Your garden is brimming with colors. The tea tray is perfect for any nature lover with the lovely roses mug. Have a beautiful week!


  13. Love this post I too live on our new farm! So love this beautiful country life! Very blessed!

  14. Sherry, what a lovely place to have grown up in! I love Tasha Tudor's illustrations too-- I still have a couple of children's books illustrated by her that I had when I was little. I get outside as much as I can-- wish I could do that more. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  15. I grew up outside as well. As I get older I discover I like to live near the city but not in it, I get cabin fever if i can't get out in nature fairly regularly.


  16. Oh I meant to say I love your tea mug, it is really pretty and feminine. I have a real thing about mugs and have just been gifted a very nice one today :)


  17. I guess, that's the greatest thing about being a child - not being afraid :)

  18. What a sweet post. I really enjoyed it. Brought back memories. I only had a couple of acreas to explore but they seemed giant. I wish I had photo's. Thanks for the memories.


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