
Monday, April 20, 2015

The Earth Laughs in Flowers

I got into the garden this weekend and did some work.  The profuse blooming of every plant all at once reminded me of the poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson in which he has the famous quote, the "Earth laughs in flowers."  I had no idea that this poem was a free rendition of the Vishnu Purana
Mr. Emerson was a American poet who led the Transcendentalist movement.  This was a religious and philosophical movement that believed that organized religion and political parties ultimately corrupt the purity of the individual.  They believed that people were truly at their best when "self-reliant."  


BULKELEY, Hunt, Willard, Hosmer, Meriam, Flint,
Possessed the land which rendered to their toil
Hay, corn, roots, hemp, flax, apples, wool and wood. 
Each of these landlords walked amidst his farm,
Saying, ‘’T is mine, my children’s and my name’s.        5
How sweet the west wind sounds in my own trees!
How graceful climb those shadows on my hill!
I fancy these pure waters and the flags
Know me, as does my dog: we sympathize;
And, I affirm, my actions smack of the soil.’        10

Where are these men? Asleep beneath their grounds:
And strangers, fond as they, their furrows plough.
Earth laughs in flowers, to see her boastful boys
Earth-proud, proud of the earth which is not theirs;
Who steer the plough, but cannot steer their feet        15
Clear of the grave.
They added ridge to valley, brook to pond,
And sighed for all that bounded their domain;
‘This suits me for a pasture; that ’s my park;
We must have clay, lime, gravel, granite-ledge,        20
And misty lowland, where to go for peat.
The land is well,—lies fairly to the south.
’T is good, when you have crossed the sea and back,
To find the sitfast acres where you left them.’
Ah! the hot owner sees not Death, who adds        25
Him to his land, a lump of mould the more.
Hear what the Earth says:—

        ‘Mine and yours;
        Mine, not yours.
        Earth endures;        30
        Stars abide—
        Shine down in the old sea;
        Old are the shores;
        But where are old men?
        I who have seen much,        35
        Such have I never seen.
        ‘The lawyer’s deed
        Ran sure,
        In tail,
        To them, and to their heirs        40
        Who shall succeed,
        Without fail,
        ‘Here is the land,
        Shaggy with wood,        45
        With its old valley,
        Mound and flood.
        But the heritors?—
        Fled like the flood’s foam.
        The lawyer, and the laws,        50
        And the kingdom,
        Clean swept herefrom.
        ‘They called me theirs,
        Who so controlled me;
        Yet every one        55
        Wished to stay, and is gone,
        How am I theirs,
        If they cannot hold me,
        But I hold them?’
      When I heard the Earth-song        60
      I was no longer brave;
      My avarice cooled
      Like lust in the chill of the grave.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mr. Emerson took the theme of the Hindu text and changed the story to fit the circumstance in which he was living daily. The men at the beginning of the poem are his neighbors.  I just found the whole story interesting behind this poem.  I had no idea the movement from the 1820's-30's in American was so similar to some of the themes we are experiencing today. 

The teacup is by Gracie china.  The lilacs smell soo good!

And also, here are some tulips I picked fresh from the rain for tomorrow's food post.


I will link this to:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life 
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups 
Friends Sharing Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog 
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Your Going to Love it Tuesday At Kathe with an E
The Scoop at Confessions of a Plate Addict
Totally Terrific Tuesday at Live Randomly Simple
Project Inspire at An Extraordinary Day
Do Tell Tuesday at Maybe She Made It
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House 
Share your Style Thursday at Common Ground
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings-The Heart of the Home
What to Do Weekends at Shoestring Elegance
Idea Box Thursday at Mila's Little Things


  1. The whole ownership thing...Yes, we think we own it, but really we're merely caretakers who will also be gone one day.

    Beautiful post, Sherry!

  2. I truly believe flowers are one of Gods best creations! They feed are eyes! Heart and soul!

  3. The thoughts actually challenge think.

  4. Beautiful thoughts. Love your tea cup. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Martha

  5. Your beautiful post is perfect for Earth Day (April 22nd)!

  6. What beautiful lilacs you have. Your spring is way ahead of ours. I think your post is lovely!

  7. Haven't read that poem for years! Thanks for the reminder. Your lilacs are lovely! Our dark purples are just budding, and the white are later. Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea.

  8. Hello! Dropping by from Tuesday Cuppa Tea blog party. Thanks for sharing such a lovely post. You have a lovely teacup! Have a nice day!

  9. Oh to have lilacs blooming !
    Ours haven't even started yet but I can't wait.
    Sherry you take the most glorious photos of your vignettes - I fall in love with every one of them!

  10. Beautiful thoughts! Love your pretty teacup that goes so well with the gorgeous lilacs and their heavenly fragrance :) Have a lovely weekend! Hugs, Poppy

  11. Thanks for finding the story behind the poem ! And 'Earth laughs in flowers'- it is such a beautiful sentence :)
    Thanks for joining us again at Idea Box :)

  12. Gorgeous flowers. Your photos amazing as always!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!


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