
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Home Sweet Home #217

Hello and welcome to Home Sweet Home!  This week I got into the garden in The Earth Laughs in Flowers.

I was baking from a new to me cookbook in Orange Pound Cake.

There are so many great ideas, great decorating, and delicious recipes at the Home Sweet Home Party each week.   You all had a lot of great post! Here are a few that caught my eye.  You guys are all so talented!! Seriously! 

Judith at Botanic Bleu did a fantastic post on Copyright-Is My Work Protected?  Great info and I even added a copyright statement to the bottom of my blog!

Just Jan Blog shared Slim's Conservatory which was delightfully decorated with the colors and textures of her exotic travels.

Amanda at Girl in Pink shared How to Create Beautiful Finishes on Flowerpots and Seal them for Outdoor Use!  Since I have been in a gardening mood I loved this idea!

Anjana at At the Corner of Happy and Harried shared a Mango Ice Cream Sundae.  This makes you hungry doesn't it?

I had on several occasions wanted to feature some of your entries but, you don't create a link back to the Home Sweet Home party.  So, please include that link so I can feature you too!
I am really lucky to have all of your amazing posts because, it is you who make the Home Sweet Home party so special!  You are all so talented and share such wonderful posts!  It is really hard to feature a few and, remember to be featured you must have a link back to the Home Sweet Home party.   Thank you to everyone who joins me at Home Sweet Home!  It is wonderful to have you here!


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Guidelines for Home Sweet Home Party: 
Attention: To link up you must have a permalink back to this party in your post or you won't be featured.
Link up anything from your home or garden.   I love seeing home tours and neat shops too!

My button for the party is under the button tab at the top of the blog, if you want to use it.   If you are new here I hope you will become a follower. Please don't link up more than two posts.  No Etsy link ups or direct advertising, please.  Please visit some of the other blogs and get some great inspiration.  Thanks.:)

Now let's see your beautiful home, delicious recipes, crafts, or whatever makes your home special!

 *If you are pinning a post submitted here, please pin from the original source.


  1. Thanks so much for hosting another wonderful party!
    Have a great week(end!

  2. Thanks so much for the party Sherry !
    Have a fun weekend ( or relaxing - whichever you need most !!! )

  3. Hi Sherry,
    Yay for Lilac time right? Thanks so much for hosting and have a great week,

  4. Always delicious! Thanks so much Sherry! Have a sweet weekend!

  5. Thanks for another great party!


  6. Hi Sherry,
    Love your lilacs! So many wonderful features too. I am back this week sharing from my heart. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for hosting and enjoy the rest of your week.


  7. Sherry ~ Thank you for the feature! I hope you have a great weekend!

  8. sherry, thank you for hosting and the party!!! i love your pics!!! have a nice evening, angie

  9. Thanks for hosting and nice features!

  10. Hello cute lady! I love stopping by each week to party with you. It would be amazing if you would stop by our party. We Pin and Tweet Everything! Lou Lou Girls

  11. Thanks for the party and for hosting...I'll be out in mt garden hope you are too!

  12. Great copyright post from Judith! Love that! Thanks for the party, hope it's a super weekend, Sherry! :)

  13. Thank you so much for the party. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Cathy

  14. Sherry,
    Thank you so much for featuring my Copyright post. I see where you added your copyright notice at the bottom of your blog, and it looks great. It is so easy to do.

    Have a wonderful weekend and week in the garden.


  15. Thanks so much for hosting...
    have a great weekend.

  16. Sherry, thanks for hosting! The copyright feature was full of useful and very relevant information.

  17. Hi Sherry! What a sweet surprise to come by your party today and see that you featured my flower pot post! Thank you so much! Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. I love seeing all the other blogs.
    I added a link to your party, not sure if I did it right.
    Enjoy this beautiful day.
    Fondly Michelle

  19. Thanks so much for hosting another fabulous party!

  20. I too have been in a gardening mood Miss Sherry and appreciate all the inspiration. Thank you for hosting and have a lovely weekend.

  21. Thank you so much for featuring my mango ice cream sundae recipe. Have a lovely weekend.

  22. Hi Sherry, Your blue and white dishes are gorgeous, and your orange pound cake looks scrumptious!! Thanks for sharing the recipe with us. These feature posts look great -- looking forward to reading them.

    Have a great weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor


Thank you wonderful people who take the time to comment. I appreciate them and love to connect with you.