
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Spring Still Life & the Difference Between the Canon 50mm f/1.8 and f/1.4 Lens

Difference Between the Canon 50mm f/1.8 and f/1.4 Lens
I am having fun playing with a new lens today.  I have updated and purchased a new 50mm f/1.4 lens, which is the perfect lens for these still life tea shots.  I am posting this so if anyone is having a hard time deciding about which 50mm lens to go with you can see how it works in these photos.  

Difference Between the Canon 50mm f/1.8 and f/1.4 Lens
I love trying out different angles with the new lens to see what it's capabilities are.  As with most equipment; if you can afford to upgrade, the nicest perk is it just makes your job a whole lot easier.  In this shot I am focusing on the tulips.

Difference Between the Canon 50mm f/1.8 and f/1.4 Lens
And in this shot, I have made the focal point the teacups.  You can see how nice and sharp it gets the main subject while everything else will not be quite as sharp.

Difference Between the Canon 50mm f/1.8 and f/1.4 Lens
I just happened to take the exact same photo with the new lens that I had taken on the blog a year ago.  Here on the left is the old 50mm lens the f/1.8 and on the right is the new  f/1.4.  The photo on the left is only focused on the surface nearest the camera and, I am speaking of using the lens on  Auto Focus only.   That is really the best that f/1.8 lens will do.  It will always focus on the item nearest the camera; the surface of the teacup I have the arrow on.  Whereas the photo on the right is focused in three areas creating a sharper image overall.  The new lens (f/1.4) is much easier to manipulate to get different focal points with.  Here is a very technical article from Adorama that gives you more of a detailed description of why the lenses vary.  The cost difference is significant; the lens on the left is around $100 and the lens on the right is four times that.  I looked for side by side pictures like this for over two years and had a hard time finding any to decide if I really wanted to spend the money and upgrade to this lens. The thing that finally sold me was that Matthew Mead suggested using this lens and well if it is good enough for him it was just the lens I was looking for.  I hope this helps anyone looking to compare these two Canon 50mm lenses.


I will link this to:
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olsen


  1. Thanks, Sherry. Photography is the number one bogeyman for me when it comes to blogging. Today if you can't take a decent (read: magazine worthy) photo you're likely to get overlooked. I do not have a math-oriented brain and I really think you need that to do well with understanding all the intricacies of good photography. Maybe it's just me though?lol I've taken one class but it was not very helpful for taking blogging photos and my husband bought me a place in another class so we'll see if that helps. As always, your photos are lovely!

  2. I have three lens, pretty basic ones. The one that came with the camera, a zoom lens and a wide angle lens.

  3. Kathleen, to make a confession I really am not an instruction reader or a person to understand the technical stuff. Ha! So I really learn by doing everything. I play with the angles and lighting and take note of what the camera can do for me and I let it do as much as it can, maybe that is lazy. But, my Dad understands photography really well and is a very good photographer and he told me if my methods "aren't broke don't fix them."

  4. Thanks for sharing. I ussusually using my 50mm 1.4 lens for photos in my blog. So happy with that, as photos are bright and sharp. I think this lens is the best!

  5. Thanks for this post..I love SEEING the difference in lenses:)

  6. I am a Cannon girl! I have a very basic camera (Rebel XS) and two lenses (Cannon 55-250 mm. My zoom lens) and (18-55 mm. My regular lens) I LOVE them! Thanks for the tips on lenses (I've been looking for a second camera body and more lenses and I like having the facts about them! :) Thanks! <3

  7. Great shot & great input.

    And teacups and tulips - does it get any better? ;)

    Happy Wednesday! xo

  8. Really pretty photos of pretty things

  9. Hello, I use my Cannon 1.8, I want to go and see what the other one is running. I also love the clarity!
    I have had pictures turned down for the blur, I try to achieve in some photos. Clear and crisp is what they want!
    You have peaked my interest!
    Blessings, Roxy


  10. I want a upgrade for a camera and just hate to spend the money since I usually save for a year for my 2 trips a year and if I buy a camera well there goes the trips or at least one.
    bless my heart i live on a limited income and want it all LOL
    love your tea cups and tulips pictures

  11. Helpful tutorial! I have a Canon Rebel and when I have the time, I enjoy practicing with it to work on my photo skills. Saving up moments with little ones provides great incentive for sharpening my skills!

  12. These are absolutely gorgeous photos, Sherry! I love the tulips; they look very 3-D in these pictures. Your teacups are exquisite; you really know how to put together pretty vignettes.

    Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  13. Beautiful Sherry! The photos really are fabulous. I need to play with my lenses more. Love your gorgeous teacups and tulips are one of my favorite flowers. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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