
Monday, November 24, 2014

Everything You Do Is Beautiful...

I have been following a group of Millennials on Tumblr.  They are mainly girls around 16-21.  I love seeing the things they post and what they are into.  I am loving seeing things through their eyes and what is important to them and this week a young girl's post stopped me cold.  This is the post.

Source: Tumblr
I was instantly vehemently saying to the computer screen, "No..Everything you do is beautiful!"  After a short period of reflecting on this I said to my 19-year-old, "Everything you do is beautiful."  He said-"What?"  "You heard me, Everything you do is beautiful."  Then I explained to him the 21-year-old's Tumblr post and why I said it. 

He understood but, he said all of his friends and his whole generation felt this way.  "But why?" I asked.  He really had no answer.  

I thought about it for awhile and I remembered back to my being 21 and I realized that I had felt the same way.  
So with heartfelt understanding I realized I needed to tell my own two Millennials this often.  My 21-year-old comes into the room and I tell him, "Everything you do is beautiful,"  and he says,"Wha-what?"  I explain to him and he smiles.  He obviously loves it.  I have told them both again several times since I first told them and they smile-they love it!  Why haven't I said this to them before?  Why? 

So, this week I am thankful for my Millennials and I will tell them often that,"Everything they do is beautiful."

This is the new way I am doing my tea post.  I am going to talk about something that is inspiring me for the week. Do you like my Brown Betty teapot?  It is made by Royal Canadian Art Pottery.  The teacup is by Royal Staffordshire Dinnerware the pattern is Charlotte.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving here in the States!  
Home Sweet Home will be on this week by Wednesday night. Come and join me showing off your Holiday Home Sweet Home!

I will link this to:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life 
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tea Cup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups 
Friends Sharing Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog 
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Say G'Day at Natasha in Oz
Your Going to Love it Tuesday At Kathe with an  E
The Scoop at Confessions of a Plate Addict

Totally Terrific Tuesday at Live Randomly Simple

Project Inspire at An Extraordinary Day
Do Tell Tuesday at Maybe She Made It
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home  


  1. Pretty much all the millennials I know are amazing. My son is one of them - he's had his own 401k he's contributed to since he was 18, he's married(since he was 20), bought his 1st house at 21, has a great job & is such a good son. My daughter-in-law is another great person from this generation, works hard at her job, is a great homemaker, loves learning & taking care of what they own.

    I think I'll pass it on to them .

    I wonder too why young people aren't it that we don't allow them to struggle, fail then succeed as they grow up? I think confidence comes with experience & experience usually comes with age. Those young people who grow up through very hard things are usually the most confident. Most of us it takes a little longer to figure that out.

  2. What a great idea it is to give positive reinforcement rather than criticism. I agree that young people don't get much of that today.

  3. I don't think anyone can hear affirming words enough...we are so aware of the failures and flaws, when there are so many wonderful things. Great reminder for everyone! And a lovely tea scene. I love Charlotte...a favorite pattern. Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea.

  4. What a good way to add positive encouragement to young people!

  5. This is a very positive post, Sherry. Our young people really do need encouragement and someone to come along side of them and tell them they are terrific. Love your Brown Betty teapot; sweet shape. The cup and saucer is pretty too. Thanks for sharing this and joining me for tea. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.


  6. Living with positive energy is important. It's important for young and old alike to know that they are appreciated and loved. Thanks for sharing.

  7. My 22 year old daughter is married and is an assistant manager at the store she works at, and her husband (her age) is in line to get his own store for the one he works at. My 18 yr old is in college and is having some self doubt. I'm so intensely proud of both of them because they've already done so much more with their lives by their ages than I had. I was a mess. These kids have their lives together, and it astounds me, yet they feel so unsure about everything and feel they're making huge mistakes and doing things wrong, like you said. I wish I could make them see how amazing they are and how impressed I am with them. I will tell my girls the same thing you told your boys. :) Thanks!

  8. It is easy, if we aren't careful, to get our mindset on negative thoughts. Thanks for reminding us of this. It is important to encourage one another!

  9. danke für die tollen bilder und inspirationen!!! liebe grüße von angie

  10. This makes me feel sad for the young woman, but you're right, those years can be hard. Wonderful to express words of affirmation not only to Millenials, but everyone needs to know someone loves and appreciates them.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Sherry!

  11. What a great idea, Sherry! I must remember to say this to my adult children,too. Thank you so much for the inspirational post and the lovely tea. Happy thanksgiving blessings to you and your family.

  12. What a good thought for today. Thank you!

  13. A nice thought for the day, Sherry.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. This is such a wonderful way to relate to children and the world.. We do need more positive reinforcement for this generation... Your ' Brown Betty ' is so shiny and new...She will last you a long time ... May bless you with many delicious cups of tea to warm your heart...Lovely post.

  15. i love this! and although mine are only 12 & 10 there's no right or wrong age to say this. i know this and i've read about it plenty, but in the day to day craziness we forget. thank you for the great & gentle reminder. MJ
    ps. love your brown transferware tea cup.


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