
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fall Excitement and The Blogger's Writing Process Tour

I am getting excited for fall.  It is just next week on the calender but this weekend here, it feels like fall.  The trees are sure to follow with some fabulous colors.  I wanted to share with you a blog I have been actively posting to over at Tumblr.  It is also called The Charm of Home.  I just mainly post pictures that inspire me.  It is a very seasonal blog and also has some fabulous food photography.  I have always loved the Tumblr format.   It is blogging freedom at it's best, mostly all visual and posting in a single click.  Blogging there is very enjoyable.  It really is a most ardent guilty pleasure.  I have discovered people with blogs on Tumblr that are so enamored with fall that this is all they post year round.  I started following some of these blogs back in August and now, as you can see, I have no lack of gorgeous images to re-post all day long.  

 My 9 year-old and I were playing around with the snipping tool and screen shots and came up with three ways to do these screen captures this weekend.   He will be better on a computer than me in just a few years. 

These are all screen shots from last week on the Tumblr blog.  Fall is a glorious season, I want to savor every image!

Now on to other business...The Blogger's Writing Process Tour is a creative share that is happening around the blogosphere.  I have been nominated by Judith of Botanic Bleu.   I volunteered and wrote to Judith to include me.  The timing is really great for this because I had made a decision to work on my writing anyway.  So I was glad to do it.  

If you want to participate in the Blogger's Writing Process Tour please leave a comment or email me and let me know.   I will post my writing process next week and you can be mentioned on my post and continue it on with your own post in a few weeks.  I need to nominate at least two other bloggers.

Thank you to all of my readers.  I appreciate you greatly and some of you have spoken and mentioned that the feed you get through email has been failing to deliver.   If you are having trouble with the Feedburner email, I am researching other feeds and  delivery systems for email and hope to come up with something to offer you another choice soon.

I will link this to:

What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants 
Sundays at Home at Thoughts from Alice
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings of Your Heart and Home
Share Your Creativity Party at It's Overflowing
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Your Gonna Love It Tuesday at Kathe with an E
The Fabulous Fall Linky Party at The Journey Back 


  1. wunderschöne herbstbilder!!! liebe grüße von angie

  2. I am a (very) new blogger. I was also an English major in college. I would love to participate in the "blogger writing process" group to provide my perspective as a new blogger and writer. My name is Michelle Mortensen and my blog is
    I would LOVE for you to nominate me! Thank you.

  3. Great post. I love the wonderful Fall images. You put together a Fabulous Collection! I'd love you to link to the Fabulous Fall Linky Party! I really enjoyed this post!

  4. Beautiful fall at your home ! :)

  5. I still just love these images!
    I am so glad you came by to link at the Fabulous Fall Party! I am glad to be able to share them.
    The party starts again tomorrow.
    Come by and link any Fall posts.
    Old or new. We love archives!
    Thanks again and Have a good week.

  6. Dear Sherry,
    Oh my heavens, this post is dreamy. Every photos is just stunning. I could get lost over and over in every one of the collections.
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Have a wonderful week,

  7. Fun tour! I'm relieved to see that you asked to tag people. I'm doing my tour next week, and have asked many to join, but everyone's already done it!
    Lovely pictures-they've put me in a fall mood.


Thank you wonderful people who take the time to comment. I appreciate them and love to connect with you.