
Monday, April 28, 2014

A Cheerful Tea

Berries & Cream Cake Tea: The Charm of Home
I always put my pictures in the post in draft and then I come back and add the words later and I think I will come up with something very clever and poetry like and then nothing...I mean nothing comes to me.  I think the 6 children I have going through this house several days a week sorta leaves me at a loss of words.  Well onward, I have a very inspiring book (spiritual)  I will be reading and posting about on the blog.  It will really get me thinking, I can't wait to share that.  

Berries & Cream Cake Tea: The Charm of Home
My tea today I dubbed cheerful.  It just looked that way in the photographs.  It was perfect for this week too, because it was a year ago this week we lost my Grandfather.  So a cuppa and a cheerful time together was a needful thing.  

Berries & Cream Cake Tea: The Charm of Home
The cup was made by Gracie China.  You can only see the roses but, there were several different flowers spilling down from the rim of the cup and the outer perimeter of the saucer that were very pretty.  I will have to photograph it again and show all of the flowers.

Berries & Cream Cake Tea: The Charm of Home
This was my intended Victoria Sponge cake that I destroyed last week not once but twice.  I don't think I was meant to make a sponge cake but, this angel food cake from the grocery was still the perfect cake to base my berries and cream on.  I will share how I made it tomorrow.
How is your week going?

I will link this to:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life 
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tea Cup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups 
Friends Sharing Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog 
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Be Inspired Friday at Common Ground    
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Say G'Day at Natasha in Oz
Cottage Style Party at Lavender Garden Cottage 
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olsen 
Do Tell Tuesday at Mabey She Made It
Wake Up Wednesday Sew Crafty Angel 
Anything Blue Friday at The Dedicated House
Encouraging Homemakers Link Party at Living From Glory to Glory


  1. Ahh this looks so refreshing. Your pictures are so pretty and clear and mouth watering for a slice.

  2. That is the most beautiful cake I have ever seen. And...I love the tea-pot. Deb

  3. Store bought or not it looks delicious! Beautiful pictures too!

  4. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Oh my heavens, Sherry! I'm dying over how beautiful your tea is! Your cake is stunning. Ahhhh . . . the vibrant colors and welcoming setting. Sure wish I was nearby, because I would have to come over for a relaxing cup of tea and a slice of your cake.
    You've inspired me :0)
    Thanks so much for sharing,

  5. Sherry, your tea time treat would definitely make me cheerful. My sweet tooth wishes for a slice of that goodie right now. '-)

  6. What a delicious and lovely cake. Your photos are so pretty and I am so glad you shared at Friends Sharing Tea!

  7. Bonjour chère amie,

    Cette magnifique série de photos gourmandes est juste hummm !... Moi qui suis très gourmande je suis complètement exaltée !
    Merci pour ce joli billet.
    Gros bisous ❀ ❁ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❁ ❀

  8. The cake turned out looking colourful and delicious.

  9. That cake looks so good. I love your post today. The colors are amazing. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  10. I did get a new magazine in the mail and it had a sponge cake recipe right there! I should find the link and send it to you sometime this year... Hope You will Link Up on Wednesday!
    Happy Week to YOU

  11. The cake looks absolutely wonderful. The pictures are amazing with the vivid red and blue from the berries. I also like reading how you create your post, as I usually do the reverse: write first, then add the pictures! Have a nice day.

  12. Sherry,

    Just beautiful!!

    Thanks for your visit!

    I am going to email you directly about your emails containing comments.


  13. Beautiful.

    I sometimes take pictures then write comments, other times just the opposite. Depends on what sort of idea for the blog post I have in the first place.

  14. What a beautiful tea and that torte looks amazing. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  15. Oh my Sherry! You win the best dessert picture award! lol! That berry angel cake looks stunning. Wow. I would love a slice or two! lol!
    Your tea time is so very lovely. The tea cup too. I do love Grace china. They have very pretty designs.

  16. Hi Sherry,

    Wow your berries and cream look amazing..I don't think there is anything wrong with a store bought angel food cake..they are very yummy (you made me giggle since I always buy store angel food cake)
    Your tea cup is so sweet, and you know I love tea cups. A girl can never have enough tea cups.

    Sending hugs, Elizabeth

  17. Dear Sherry this post was is pretty I need to comment again! After such a long dry winter I have the need to feast my eyes on pictures like these you have shared. They are magazine worthy my friend!
    Thank You!! For Linking Up with my party.... You are always welcome, see you next Wednesday!
    Blessings, Roxy

  18. This looks so delicious! I love all the colors and the tea cups matches beautifully with that cake.

    I hope you have a wonderful week!


  19. Oh my gosh Sherry - this is a work of art !
    How gorgeous - off to pin!
    ( and I had to laugh with what your family calls it - too funny )

  20. I had to comment - your delightful pics should be on the cover of a magazine! We may be heading into winter here, but I definitely think this cake is on the baking list for this weekend!

  21. Such a beautiful, gorgeous cake!! What a delight at a tea table!

  22. Looks so inviting. Spring is the perfect time for tea.

  23. Your beautiful cake really captures the feeling of Spring. I love that you put strawberry blossoms on it as well! Have a great weekend! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  24. Sherry, it's not only gorgeous in the has to be delicious to photograph so lovely.

    Thanks for sharing it.


  25. Good store bought can be delicious! When I do that, I am more likely to actually set out for tea with my 2 teen girls and 3 granddaughters plus their mom, my oldest. This looks so pretty. Hope you find some calm and peace. I am sorry for your loss.

  26. This is so beautiful.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

  27. Your cake is absolutely beautiful - store-bought cake can work beautifully - I can understand the need for cheerfulness - in a few days will be the anniversary of both my parents - greatly miss them but rest in my faith that someday I will see them again! I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  28. Oh my Sherry you have taken that store bought angel food cake to a whole new level. It is simply gorgeous! Beautiful cuppa tea! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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