
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Strawberries with Lemon and Honey

In the latest issue of Delicious Living that I picked up at the health food store I found this recipe that was so simple and easy I couldn't believe I hadn't tried it before.  It was my kind of recipe, fresh food and three ingredients!  Try strawberries like this, I am sure you will love it! 

Strawberries with Lemon and Honey

1 pint (1 pound) of strawberries
2 TBSP of honey
3 TBSP lemon juice, Meyer lemon if possible

Rinse and pat berries dry.  Remove stems and slice.  Drizzle honey and lemon juice over them.  Toss with a rubber spatula.  Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes or more. Serve.  

I will link this to: 
Friday Food at Mom Trends
Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum
What's It Wednesday   at Ivy and Elephants  
Thriving on Thursdays  at Domesblissity
On the Menu Monday at Stonegable 
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


  1. mmm, my mouths watering,love strawberries. x

  2. Hummm certainement très bon et rafraîchissant !

    Je vous conseille la recette aussi de ma grand-mère :
    Après avoir lavé vos fraises disposez-les dans un saladier. Y ajouter deux ou trois cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive, du sucre en poudre et du basilic ciselé... Vous verrez vous serez agréablement surprise ! Bon appétit et gros bisous à vous !

  3. Hmmm, das sieht sooo lecker aus ;-))
    Liebe Rosaliegrüße ∙∙♥♥∙∙

  4. This sounds delicious and so simple!

  5. Sounds interesting -- I'm not a fan of honey but I imagine the sweetness combined with the tartness of the lemon juice would make a wonderful taste with those strawberries! Happy 4th!

  6. I must try this- it sounds wonderful.

  7. This looks like the perfect recipe. Thanks so much for sharing on Simple & Sweet Fridays!



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