
Sunday, June 24, 2012


I have been stalking cows.   


I have been wanting a cow painting.  This one is Charlene by Cheri Wollenberg.   Isn't this lady talented?  I love her cow paintings! 

Cows are such curious animals.  They are really easy to pose they stare at you, naturally curious.

The one with the horns wasn't more than five feet away, he was the most curious.   I will post my cow picture soon.  I am still working on it.  I may stalk the cows at the county fair too....
  I will join:
Sunday's Best Party  at My 1929 Charmer
Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper
Mosaic Monday at Little Red House 
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House 
Heart and Home Link Up  at Trisha' Heart & Home  
Sunny Simple Sundays  at Sunny Simple Life


  1. So sweet, all of your photo's are Moo-arvelous!!
    Thank You for sharing them with us and I hope you have a really wonderful day!

    I'm having my very first blog giveaway and would be delighted to have you stop by!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  2. Aren't they beautiful. I love the white-faced one.

  3. cool pics- I LOVE that cow painting- the colors are lovely...

  4. I have been wanting a cow painting too! Seriously, those photos are so good that you could sell them :) Have a great weekend! xo, Andrea

  5. Love your cow pics Sherry!

    Susan and Bentley

  6. Thanks for sharing the cow paintings. I have pictures with cows in them, but no real cow portraits and hers are great!

  7. Cows were really popular for awhile, and now they're back! I love those bovines.

  8. We raised cattle, and I loved watching them in the pasture. They really are funny creatures.

  9. I love cows too. I am old enough to remember when the cute country cows were all the rage but I think I love these more realistic depictions too. Can't wait to see what yours comes out like. I am impressed. If I tried to paint one it would not resemble a cow.

  10. I love cows, too - I adore cows! They are the main reason I became a vegetarian. Love these photos!

  11. I've found them curious too when I've stopped on the roadside to snap a shot. The sheep couldn't care less, they seem to only want to eat. Great shots.

  12. I love cows too! They have pretty eyes and faces. Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing your mosaics. Have a great day!

  13. Why are they so fascinating to us?? Just love their sweet faces and big, wet noses!

  14. I do love cows. They really are such great moms. Of course, I can't resist the fuzzy ears!

  15. We live in cattle country -- Nebraska and I really enjoy seeing all the cows coming and going to work each day -- especially when there are calves :)


  16. Sweet cows! Although I have been chased by a bull before. Luckily, my horse and I made it to the gate before the bull. Are you painting a cow picture yourself?

  17. No, I am altering a photo to create a cow picture. Hope it turns out.

  18. Oh..they are so cute....We have a farm nearby with the Belted Galloways....I call them Oreo cows....
    Have a great week!

  19. My ex-husband who used to be a cow framer at one point in his life would tell all the time how dumb cows are. I would just chuckle at him because I adored the calves especially. I think cows remind us of simpler times and milk which is so nourishing.

  20. I just love cattle too. I grew up on a beef farm and would love to have some of my own one day.

  21. Love Da-cows, what cute and curious creatures they are. I have a few cow statues out in my garden. No cows close to were I live! So thanks for sharing your cow inspiration over with Sunday's Best!


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