
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lavender Sugar

scanned image from: The Herb Companion July 2012

I picked a really pretty image of something I had been wanting to try for Debbiedoos Magazine Copycat Challenge.  I loved this image, how simple right?

I right away saw that my macro lens isn't as good as the magazine photographer's lens.   But, the more I layer my photo with other objects the better results I get.  A single subject tends to go flat with my lens. 

Lavender sugar is really easy to make.  You just take a cup of regular sugar and place 2 tablespoons of organic lavender buds in the jar.  Seal tight and in a few weeks you can spoon out the flavored sugar for tea or baking.  Sift out the lavender buds unless desired in baking.  

I will join: 
 Debbiedoo's Magazine Copycat Challenge at Debbiedoo's
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Friday Food at Mom Trends
Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum
What's It Wednesday   at Ivy and Elephants  
Thriving on Thursdays  at Domesblissity
On the Menu Monday at Stonegable 
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays


  1. I can't wait to try this! It sounds delicious and your photos are amazing. Love this idea! Visiting from Wow us Wednesdays. ~ Jamie

  2. Good Morning Sherry,
    I am going to do this when my lavendar comes into bloom. Your jar looks so pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  3. OH! My lavender should be in full bloom in a week -- pinning this! Your shots are just lovely by the way!

  4. That sounds divine. I will have to try it myself. Thanks for sharing, Sherry!

  5. the EXACT reason I want to grow lavender

  6. Hi Sherry~ I just planted to lavender this spring for culinary purposes! I especially love your last photo! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  7. I think you photos are fabulous! They look like they could be in a magazine. I cannot wait to try this out.

    Have a great week, Elizabeth

  8. Beautiful Sherry! I can smell the Lavender from here. What a pretty photo it makes as well. Thank you so much for joining in on the fun, I sure appreciate it.

  9. Just lovely. An instant breath of summer.

    - The Tablescaper

  10. I love this copycat! :D Lavender is a favorite of mine, and I would love to make lavender sugar.

    Linking from Debbiedoo's,
    Ricki Jill

  11. Very nice, Sherry! We have a lavender festival here every June... very fun!

  12. Gorgeous! I have always wanted to try this. When my lavender buds this will be a fun project.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. I love the scent of lavender and have some growing in the garden however I never thought of drinking it.

  14. They have lavender sugar at our favorite tea room and I have always thought it was so nice. I will have to try to make some of my own now :)

  15. Hi Sherry, I love lavender and how it smells. So relaxing! Your photos are amazing of the sugar and lavender flowers. Have to make some. Thanks so much for sharing on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Thank you also for all your wonderful comments on Rooted in Thyme and Thyme for Home. It's always great to hear from you! Have a fun week!



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