
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Home Sweet Home # 66

Hello and welcome to Home Sweet Home!   I have a little before and after here today in my kitchen.  Over two years ago I put these vintage seed catalog images on the wall and they really are still beautiful but they look like fall.  So I wanted a little change.

I couldn't resist the menu board trend and had the perfect spot for it.   Now even though I live in a house with all guys, they appreciated it when I upgrade the decor to reflect the finer things in life.  

Although, they can't resist taking a wise crack about my cooking.  The post its say, "Who kidnapped Mom, unless it starts with the words flaming or burnt this isn't our Mom."  Kids!

 Now I would like to highlight some of the posts that caught my eye last week at Home Sweet Home.  So many beautiful posts!

 Vee at Thistle Creek Cottage showed off her happy spring flowers.

Becky at Thoughtfully Blended Hearts  showed off her spring flowers.

Liz at Quirky Vistas showed off her twinkle light centerpiece.

Kim at Too Much Time on My Hands gave us 74 burlap projects that are pinworthy.

 Thank you to all who join me at Home Sweet Home!   It is wonderful to have you here! 
I will join these ladies today:
Vintage Inspiration Friday at Common Ground 
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Home and Garden Thursday  at A Delightsome Life 
Creative Things Thursday  at The Vintage Farmhouse

Guidelines for Home Sweet Home Party:
Attention: To link up with inlinkz you must have a permalink back to this party in your post or they will not allow you to link.  
Link up anything in your home or garden.  I love seeing neat shops too!
My button is on my sidebar for the party, if you want to use it.   If you are new here I hope you will become a follower. Please don't link up more than two posts.  No Etsy link ups or direct advertising, please.  Please visit some of the other blogs and get some great inspiration.  Thanks.:)
Now let's see your beautiful homes!


  1. Love your kids' sense of humor :) Thanks for having me this week and wishing you a Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Very nice features, I specially like No.6, the pretty ruffled tabletopper. Thanks for hosting this Mother's Day weekend. Wishing you and the mother's in your family a very blessed and wonderful MOTHER'S DAY!

  3. oh my gosh, who kidnapped mom, that's funny. at least they know you really well! thanks for hosting!

  4. Beautiful spring-y features. they remind me of your pretty header!
    Thanks for hosting Sherry,
    xo Becca

  5. Thank you for hosting this lovely party. Your kids have a wonderful sense of humor. And Congratulations on Romantic Homes magazine!

  6. Love the update! And these are beautiful features. Congrats on your own RH feature! It was so fun to see you! Happy Mother's Day Sherry!

  7. I'm a new blogger and your newest follower! Thanks for hosting this weekly party! So far, I love what I see and will definitely be back to read more of your blog!


  8. Love your chalkboard there and the sticky notes too!

  9. Love your wall makeover, and your kids comments, so funny! Especially like the memo board. Joining in today, thanks for hosting. Pam

  10. Great features! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  11. The change to the kitchen is perfect! I love the way the table looks! Your kids are too funny!!

  12. The change you made is so plates on the wall and repeat blue on the table. I love it. I've never written a menu in my life. Now the children are grown and gone and I never hear "What's for dinner, Mom??!" I miss that. I miss it a lot.
    Happy Mother's Day to you... I hope your day is blessed with every happiness.
    I would join your party but not at all sure what to post. I have some visiting to do as I see some lovely link photo's.

  13. Love your menu board - especially the notes from your kids!! And that twinkly light centerpiece is great!

  14. Love your chalkboard frame and pretty wall collage,Sherry! Those post-it notes are sooo funny, made me smile:)Congratulations on your Romantic Homes magazine feature! Thanks for sharing such wonderful news and for the party. Happy Mother's Day to you!Hugs,Poppy

  15. My hubby did the same thing to his mother -- only he was right! She burned everything! LOL Happy Mother's Day to you!

  16. You've just got to love kids! Mine used to always say when we had guests "What's up with all the extra silverware". Like they hadn't ever seen it before. Mercy.


  17. Love the spring time flowers. Thank you for hostessing us and have a blessed Mother's Day!
    Gayle from Behind the Gate

  18. Isn't your family great fun? I love it! Like the menu board as well. I was just thinking that it wouldn't do for me to have a menu board as I never know what we're eating until the last moment! Joan

  19. Love the menu board- how sweet!! All linked up~ thanks for hosting! :)

  20. Your kiddo's notes are precious!

  21. Hello, I found you from FaithGraceandCrafts. I'm visiting other partyers. I'm your new follower. Thank you for hosting, I've linked up. blessings, Lady

  22. Thank you for hosting a lovely party!
    Great features every week :)
    Greetings from Australia♥

  23. fabulous features, sherry! have a wonderful mom's day and thanks for hosting us:)

  24. What gorgeous features. I love your menu board, but the kids comments are the best! You've got to keep them!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  25. Love your updates! Thanks for hosting!

  26. Sherry, Beautiful! Love the idea of your menu boards. Thanks for hosting and have a Happy Mother's Day! ~ Sarah

  27. Thanks for hosting a wonderful party! I'm now following and I just linked up!

  28. Great features this week and I love the post-it notes! Thanks for hosting and Happy Mother's Day, Gail

  29. Love your menu board and the plates that you hung! Aren't kids just the funniest?!? Thanks for hosting this fun event ~ I've just linked up!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  30. Such Great fun!!! Love that message board and the little sticky notes!
    Have a wonderful Mothers day Week,
    Big Hugs,

  31. I got a kick out of the post it notes! Fun kids!!! Love your features this week...thanks again for hosting.

  32. Sherry, What a surprise when I stopped by to start the weekend off right at your party only to find you featured my twinkle light centerpiece that I posted last week. How wonderful, I'm really thrilled!

    Thank you very much!

  33. Hi Sherry, I hope you enjoy seeing all the vintage goodies I saw at last week's farm sale! Thanks for hosting - glad I could link up this week. :-) Sue

  34. I love your new wall display. It's just right. Perfect and I love the notes by your kids. LOL LOL My kids used to leave me notes too when they lived at home, I miss those days. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Thanks so much for being such a loyal host.:)
    xo bj

  36. I love the frame you chose to turn into a blackboard! It looks wonderful. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful Mothers Day!

  37. Funny guys in your house! Happy Friday!

  38. Love the pretty flowers! Thanks so much for hosting♥

  39. Thank you for hosting! Enjoy your weekend, xox

  40. Oh Sherry, I LOVE the notes from your guys. They would fit right in with my bunch. What would life be without a sense of humor? I truly believe a good sense of humor is a great gift from God. That writing even looks like one of my sons! So fun!


  41. Thanks for hosting. Lovely features.

  42. Oh! I love your new look and so funny the little notes left behind for you! It's little things like that which makes celebrating Mothers Day all the more. Enjoy the day and the love surrounding your family!

  43. HaHa! I love the note from your kids. I also think the makeover looks terrific. I'm going to click to that one with the burlap projects, too.

  44. you have such wonderful ideas here! thanks!
    the note is funny..had to make you smile!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow bck if you can.
    happy Mothers day!

  45. I got your note on highlighting my mother's post. I didn't know if you received my email this morning. I would be honored for you to use my post!
    Gayle from Behind the Gate


Thank you wonderful people who take the time to comment. I appreciate them and love to connect with you.