
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Home Sweet Home #65

Hello and welcome to Home Sweet Home!  I happened on something this week I almost never get to watch. It was P. Allen Smith's Garden Home on PBS.  I have seen this show off and on for years and I almost never get to sit down and watch it.  Maybe, because it is on the weekend and my family keeps me hopping.  Anyway, I always get to watching this show and someone tries to come up and change the channel, I see the last ten minutes, etc.  You get the idea.  But, right when I am just thinking in my head, "Wow, I have to write down when this is on and watch it next week."   The moment ends and we are on to other things here.  Does that ever happen to you?
 image source: Garden Home, P. Allen Smith

Well this week while I had a brief moment strolling in the garden with Mr. Smith I caught the mention of his website!   And, on his website I found out he has several books on gardening!!  I made a run to the library and picked them up and I am blown away by the knowledge and great garden design info in these books!  So, I had to share.

 My favorite book so far is the Garden Home.   For the first time I finally get garden design.  It was some kind of constantly changing elusive Mother Nature mystery, but Mr. Smith puts it into simple terms that I can understand with pictures to capture the concept quite nicely. 

 The part of the book that really spoke to me was the twelve principles of design as related to gardening!  Light bulb going off!  Now I get it great garden design is just like great room design with  Mother Nature's twist.

 He defines the twelve principles as: 
shape and form
framing the view
focal point
color, texture, and rhythm

 I also found this book on container gardening with "recipes."  

I picked this recipe to follow.  Of course being that we didn't have these exact plants in my hometown I substituted a little.

I love these double impatiens and they do great on my front porch.  I will show you another picture of this after it fills out some more, later this summer.   It should be beautiful with the impatiens spilling all over and the other plants tucked in around them. 

 Now I would like to highlight some of the posts that caught my eye last week at Home Sweet Home.  So many great ideas!
Stefanie at Rose Petals and Rust showed off her gorgeous cottage garden!  

Housepitality Designs showed off her foyer makeover.  This lovely piece of furniture made a complete change to the space.

At the Beachcomber this white tablescape wowed!

And, The Tablescaper had the best themed birthday party for her elementary aged daughter!  It was Spa Night!   Now, this was right on target with me for I just did a post about my own summer ritual of spa night!  Too cute! 

Thank you to all who join me at Home Sweet Home!   It is wonderful to have you here! 
I will join these ladies today:
Vintage Inspiration Friday at Common Ground 
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
Home and Garden Thursday  at A Delightsome Life 
Fresh Cut Friday  at Rose Vignettes

Guidelines for Home Sweet Home Party:
Attention: To link up with inlinkz you must have a permalink back to this party in your post or they will not allow you to link.  
Link up anything in your home or garden.  I love seeing neat shops too!
My button is on my sidebar for the party, if you want to use it.   If you are new here I hope you will become a follower. Please don't link up more than two posts.  No Etsy link ups or direct advertising, please.  Please visit some of the other blogs and get some great inspiration.  Thanks.:)
Now let's see your beautiful homes!


  1. Hi Sherry! OH, looks like that was a great show. Love to see gorgeous gardens and flowers. Those are some lovely features too.
    Thanks for hosting and you're always a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. That shot of spa night is priceless!

  3. I love P. Allen Smith. Watch his show all the time on the weekends enjoying a cup of coffee. Isn't his home fabulous?

  4. Hey there Sherry, just linked up, and many Congrats on your feature in Romantic Homes this month! YAY!!!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful books! I am going to order one now. I need all the gardening help I can get. I thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful post. I would love it if you could share this wonderful post at our WIW linky party. I hope you can join us.


  6. Those books look so interesting!

  7. Wow! Great features! That Garden and Tablescape are amazing! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Sherry,

    I have been a fan of P. Allen Smith's for a long time and have actually met him. He was a guest speaker at an antique show just north of where I live about two years ago. He signed my books and I had an opportunity to chat with him. His lecture was amazing. He does have a cookbook out too that came out this past year and it really is a great book. He stresses cooking fresh and cooking with local ingredients. All of the recipes are very simple with a little twist here and there. You might like that book as well. I LOVE his program. Enjoyed your post about one of my favorite garden experts.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  9. Lovely gardens and great features! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  10. Hello Sherry, I just love P. Allen Smith and his books - so inspirational! Gorgeous flowers - love the double impatiens! Thanks for being a gracious hostess and for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  11. Oh Yes, I am a BIG FAN of his too...I usually miss his show too...
    I LOVE double impatients. They look like little roses! AND can grow in the shade(a SUPER PLUS)! I love having flowers GLOWING from a shaded area.
    Thank you for hosting all the fun!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  12. I used to love watching P. Allen Smith's show on PBS, very inspiring!And am a big fan of container gardening:)Pretty pictures of your double impatiens. Thanks for hosting the party!Happy gardening!Hugs,Poppy

  13. some gorgeous gardens & ideas! love the spa night and thankyou so much for featuring my white table setting!!
    thanks for hosting every week sherry :)

  14. I've sure got gardening on the brain!

  15. Hi Sherry, I know I would love this program too. The book is just what I'd love to sit down with to enjoy with my morning coffee. Great inspiration! Thanks for hosting.

    The French Htuch

  16. What a fabulous book - now you can sit and relax and read it and not worry about missing it on tv (which always happens to me)!

    That girls spa party is fabulous - my girls would love that!

  17. Wonderful garden pictures. Thanks for hosting. Today I found iPiccy and can made headers/collages again so I thought I would share.

  18. I have several of P. Allen Smith's books and love them. I loved watching his show on T.V. Great inspirational post! Thanks for having a fun party.


  19. Thanks so much for featuring my spa party! We had a blast.

    - The Tablescaper

  20. Hi Sherry! I caught most of those fab features. I'll have to check out the rest. I'm sure I would enjoy those gardenening books too. Thanks for hosting!

  21. I LOVE your post and your features, Sherry!!!
    I need to make a garden in front of my house. In the three years I live here, I did lots of cleaning up, we put bark mulch and the plan is to slowly add a little garden here and there.
    I also LOVE double inpatients! They fill the pots very nicely and last until Fall! I am going to check the party!!

  22. I'm loving the book, just fabulous! The features this week are gorgeous, specially The Tablescaper's girl's party, which I would love to copy cat when my grands are a little older, such fun! Thanks for having me at your terrific party again. Hugs,

  23. Thanks for hosting every week, Sherry!
    Lovely features :)
    Greetings from Australia♥

  24. Beautiful book!! Love that rose garden feature as well... sweet summertime!

    Thanks for hosting, xox

  25. Thanks for hosting, wonderful features, love the Spa Party!

  26. What a fun post! :) I think I will DVR his show... I have seen it a couple of times but never watched the whole thing through. Your post would be perfect for Fresh-Cut Friday if you feel like joining in. :)


  27. First of all thank you so very much for featuring my Foyer Makeover...I am honored to be among such great features!!...

    Funny, that I see you feature P. Allen Smith because my friend and I were talking about him just today!!! She loves watching his program and says that she needs to DVR his programs...I am going to do the same and order his books too!....

    Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!

  28. I love gardening books and I do a lot of container gardening on the pool deck. Thanks for the great ideas, Sherry.

  29. Thank you once again for another lovely party. What beautiful images in that book. And I was blown away by Stephanie's cottage garden. I will have to go over and check out her site. Have a great weekend. I hope you get some time to do a little something you would enjoy doing!

    1. I'm also your newest follower. I guess it didn't take and hold the last time. Anyway, I hope you will stop by my place sometime and hopefully follow me too. Thanks again, Liz.

  30. I have all of P. Allen Smith's books and had the privilege of hearing him speak last fall. I pull his books off the shelf for reference time and again. Love Stephanie's cottage garden. Wow, what a sight! Thanks for hosting. ~ Sarah

  31. I love him! He has the most beautiful container plantings and the book is amazing. Great find. Thank you for hosting again!

  32. Morning, Sherry! The double impatiens are the perfect substitute for the flax lillies. (better, I think!) I love the doubles. They're one of my favorites for my shady front porch. Great features this week, too. Stefanie's gorgeous garden made me wish for front yard space that glorious. Thanks for hosting another lovely Home Sweet Home party this week! Hope your weekend is relaxing and that you get the chance to watch all of P. Allen Smith's show! ~Mary

  33. wow, I need to look for his show!!
    thank you for the feature! you made my day

  34. The rain has finaly moved out so tomorrow will be a good garden day. I bought my double impatients today and can't wait to decorate the garden. The nice thing about shopping in the rain is I had the nursery all to myself! I love garden/flower books and magazines. So much helpful information from the pro's. Thank goodness for them! I would be lost!
    Enjoy your weekend..

  35. Just popping in for a visit!
    glad i did!!
    just delightful!!
    I'll be back!!
    now over to Rose Petals and rust..

  36. The programs have not had any broadcast in Sweden, but I will check out his website. The libraries on that thought it was an amazing inventor. I wish you a nice weekend! Zinnia

  37. Hi Sherry, It's me again. :) Thank you so much for joining in for Fresh-Cut Friday. :) I hope you have a lovely weekend. :)


  38. Thanks again! I'm back and on my way to see some more great work by everyone. Thank you for hosting!

  39. I love that book!

    Thank you for hosting the hop once again. Already your follower.

    My recent posts:
    Crafting >>
    Cooking >>

  40. Hi Sherry, Thanks so much for sharing this post on Simple & Sweet Fridays. I looked at P. Allen Smith's books again. They are so inspirational! Thanks Again.


  41. I like your post sherry!and also the garden it look fabulous.I can really feel the home sweet home.....



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