
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blackberry Tea

Blackberry iced tea is really easy to make.  The flavor is great and using real fruit has to give you some extra health benefits. 

4 cups of hot black tea (such as orange pekoe or Darjeeling)
1 cup of blackberries
honey to taste or 3/4 cup of sugar

  • In a bowl combine the hot tea with the blackberries and let steep for an hour.
  • With the back of a wooden spoon, crush the berries in the tea and then pour through a fine strainer into a pitcher.  I crushed mine again in the strainer.
  • Add honey to taste or use sugar.
  • I then pour this warm tea over a half of pitcher of ice.
  • Chill for at least 2 hours and serve.
Yield: 4-5 servings

I will link this to: 
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Friday Food at Mom Trends
Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum
What's It Wednesday   at Ivy and Elephants  
Thriving on Thursdays  at Domesblissity
On the Menu Monday at Stonegable 
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays
The Gallery of Favorites  at The 21st Century Housewife


  1. Looks and sounds good.


  2. This looks wonderful! I am always on the lookout for new ice tea recipes :)

  3. Hi Sherry! Oh, I've never heard of blackberry tea but how I love blackberries. I've just got to try this. Thank you for the recipe.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  4. Oh how refreshing for a hot summer day!

  5. This looks delicious! I cannot wait to try it.

    Have a great day, Elizabeth

  6. Sherry, What a great summer refresher! Blackberries are so good for us and they taste like summer to me! I'll be making this tea for sure!
    It looks so pretty in you glasses!
    Thanks for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY and bringing the iced tea!

  7. Sounds delicious and looks pretty too. Love me some anything. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    Im now following you and hope you'll come visit me and maybe follow back @ THANKS.

  8. What a great recipe! Looks very tasty.


  9. Thank you SO MUCH! This must mean that I can do this with blueberries,ETC... AH, Finally REAL INGREDIENTS in my tea!
    LOVE IT!
    Have a wonderful week,

  10. This is new to me, BUT sounds deelish!! Will give this a try for sure.
    TY for sharing. Should be very refreshing on a hot summer day or for a casual formal dinner.

    TTFN ~
    Have a great week ~

    GIVEAWAY ends 5/13

  11. I would love to try this. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  12. Sounds delicious! I remember picking blackberries in our garden as a child for blackberry cobbler.

  13. I love blackberries,especially freshly picked ones from the side of the road - that brings back so many memories of growing up!

    Your tea sounds delightful!

  14. This sounds wonderful. I know J would like this so I am going to give it a try.

  15. My mouth is watering!! I love making my regular teas as iced (IF it ever warms up here in the Midwest to where I'd actually WANT iced tea!). I just tried lavender tea using some of my dried lavender from last year . . . loved it!

  16. That sounds so delicious! Will definitely be trying this. Did you know that blackberries are good for treating diarrhea and vomiting? My grandmother used to give us blackberry juice and gelatin (warm) when we had tummy bugs and they worked every time. I learned years later that there is an enzyme in blackberries that does this. Maybe I should freeze some blackberries to use for this if necessary!

  17. This looks so refreshing! Love your glassware! I am going to be looking for some blackberries - Dearest loves them!
    I hope you have a blessed day,

  18. Thank you for the recipe! I'm going to try it very soon as soon as our weather warms up. Thanks for sharing.

  19. I drink lots of tea and going to try this, thanks

  20. Looks too good to be true! I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing your recipe. Very sweet.


  21. I'll have to try this next time I get some blackberries.

  22. Sherry, I love blackberry or peach teas. Thanks for sharing this recipe at Wow.

  23. This looks so delicious and appears to be easy, so I'm trying it. I love the glassware too!

  24. This recipe looks so delicious and the photos are so pretty. Thanks so much for sharing on SImple & Sweet Fridays. Have a wonderful week.


  25. Sherry, this sounds delicious. I love to drink flavored teas. Love those glasses. Are they Napoleonic? I have some with bees, but have not seen these. Would love to know where to find these.

  26. Visiting from Gallery of Favorites
    This looks so refreshing and delicious. Thank you for sharing--perfect for summer!

  27. What a lovely refreshing drink! Your blackberry ice tea sounds delicious, and very wholesome too!


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