
Monday, April 16, 2012

Titanic Inspired

I am imagining today that I am packing my steamer trunk and having a coffee and biscuit aboard the Titanic today.

I am imagining this to be more like a 2nd class room service.  I don't really know that much about the Titanic, I just enjoyed the movie.

These old steamer trunks were in use about the time of the Titanic.  They were probably put in the cargo hold of the ship and not the room, but for today we will imagine it is in our cabin.

The 2nd class passengers had a pretty flow blue pattern of china.  Not exactly like this pattern by Johnson Brothers but similar.

I remember how much I enjoyed the movie, but yet it was so real I had a massive headache watching that ship go down on the big screen.  It was really one of the most effective movies at making you feel you were there that I've ever seen.  Several scenes really stick in my mind as favorites.  I found this deleted scene from the movie and it is good, they should have kept it in.  What is your favorite scene from James Cameron's Titanic?
 I will link this to:
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage
Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites
Tea Cup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
Tuesday Cuppa Tea  at Antiques and Teacups
Your Cozy Home Party  at Cozy Home Scenes
Table Top Tuesday  at A Stroll Thru Life
Tablescape Thursday  at Between Naps on the Porch
Let's Dish  at Cuisine Kathleen

"Shooting Star" deleted scene from Titanic


  1. What a very lovely trunk and special Titanic post!

  2. My favorite scene from Titanic was the final scene, when Rose is reunited with Jack.

    I blogged yesterday about the painting that my father did of the Titanic - he knows what a big fan I was of the story (the real Titanic, not the movie - although I'm a fan of the movie!)

  3. Nice post - the tea looks lovely.

  4. I love those pretty dishes. I just bought a few pieces of blue and white and now I look for them everywhere! Nice post! ♥

  5. Hi Sherry,
    I agree, they should have kept that scene in. It was touching. I think my favourite scene was when they first met, when Jack was trying to talk her down off the railing. I thought it was hilarious and the acting was so good!
    The trunk is wonderful and so is your tea on the tray. I love your JB blue and white china and it is perfect for the occasion! Thanks so much for joining me for tea and have a delightful week.


  6. Hello Sherry, this is lovely. A wonderful tribute to those on the Titanic. I loved the movie too - never saw this deleted scene before! The stories of these folks and their courage amaze me. Thank you for sharing your lovely post with A Return to Loveliness,

  7. Hi Sherry, How beautiful you have become your 'scene' for if it were true that! 'd been traveling on the Titanic. The dish is very close to the original, and indeed as the trunk that transports us to that time, it's beautiful. Its color, and style. Note that when I saw the movie excited me to tear through the large amount of loss of life and the circumstances in which things occurred. Undoubtedly he was one of the actual events that affect us generation to generation. Greetings, Rose M.

  8. Your tea tray is sweet and the trunk does make me think of travel on the ships back when the Titanic was sailing.

  9. Love the trunk and the dishes! Great staging!

  10. What a sweet post in tribute of the Titanic. Makes me want to rent the movie and watch it again. Wonderful movie! ~ Sarah

  11. I loved the part when the lovers were standing at the front of the boat and she had her hands in the air. The music was so beautiful

    Your trunk is awesome. The blue transferware is too. I love blue china.

  12. Oh how I loved Titanic. Such a romantic movie, the costumes, the cinematography, the beauty. Thanks for reminding me.

  13. Hi Sherry,

    What a great tribute. Titanic had her own touching stories buried with her. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I must be the only living soul that has not seen that movie all the way through, though I remember the hype of it 10 years ago. I did see bits of it on tv a while back, but never the entire movie. Did I just show how out of the loop I really am? *hee hee* Your scene is very lovely though. I love your blue and white dishes. I'm pretty sure I have the same ones, and they are very pretty. Thanks for linking up to Your Cozy Home Party this week.

  15. Lovely pictures and yes the movie was very good.


  16. A beautiful tea cup and biscuit. Love your trunks as well. Very nice vignette!

  17. I feel like I was right there.... better jump overboard and swim for shore before it's too late! Love the blue china... and the biscuit looks so yummy....

  18. Hi Shannon,

    What a beautiful trunk. It does indeed look like one from the Titanic. Love this little vignette. Hubby and I watched some special shows on Sunday in rememberence of the 100 yr anniversary. I loved the movie!


  19. What a lovely little tea scape. I love the blue and white china!
    I didn't see the movie. My gdau wants to see it, they are learning about it in school, but I think she is too young to see the movie.
    Thanks for joining Let's Dish and for your sweet comment!

  20. Sherry, I enjoyed this so much. That blue and white china is so beautiful. I love seeing it on the silver tray. I didn't see the movie. I just can't handle sad. It stays with me for days and days. What a gorgeous trunk!

  21. I want to go see it in 3-D! I have never seena movie in 3-D, and I think it would be really cool!!! You will REALLY feel like you're there if you see it in 3-D, I'm sure!!! I have the DVD and watch it occasionally because it was a beautiful love story, the characters were all very believable, and Leonardo DiCaprio is such a cutie!!! Sadly, my most memorable scene is when the ship was going down and the elderly couple just huddled together in their bed, ready to face death together. My husband and I have agreed that would be the way to go...together, in each other's arms. The steamer trunks in the movie were put into Rose's family's room, remember? There were dozens of them! One of my favorite all-time movies. Nice post to commemorate it!

  22. Blue and white always calls out to me. Beautiful photographs of your setting...

  23. Hello Sherry,
    I loved your post! The trunk is a wonderful addition to your Titanic tribute. The tea setting too is just lovely, and I would guess about right. I loved seeing the china as well. The video was fab! Thanks so much for putting it in.

  24. Great theme. I've learned a lot about the Titanic this week from documentaries on TV. My grandmother came over to this country from Italy with a similiar trunk. Thanks for sharing!

    Robin Flies South

  25. Beautiful dishes and the trunk is great too. I also like the movie. Fun post.

  26. What a nice tribute to the Titanic...I have seen that movie many, many times, it is one of my favorites...I just love the people that were cast, they were all so perfect.

  27. Hi again Sherry! Just dropping by again to let you know this post was included in My Saturday Picks yesterday. Thanks again for joining my party and congrats on your feature. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


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