
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spa Night...It's a Sane Thing

Every summer I have started this little ritual where Friday night is Spa Night.  You show off more skin in the summer, your toes are peaking out of your sandals, and the schedule seems to go at a slower pace; so, there is time for it .   It is just something I do for myself.  My husband says, "You do what?"  "It is Spa Night dear, never mind you wouldn't understand." 

I never go anywhere, I don't spend any money, I just pull out the scrubs, lotions, and manicure supplies and I take care of me.

I don't get away, ever.  The kids are still here and I still wait on them; it's unavoidable. 

This is just one of those little things I like to do for myself.  It is a sane thing.   Do you have any summer rituals?  Is there anything you can enjoy more during summer's slower pace?

I will join: 
Show off Your Cottage Monday  at The House in the Roses  
Seasonal Sundays  at The Tablescaper
Metamorphosis Monday
at Between Naps on the Porch
Say G'Day Saturday  at Natasha in Oz
Sunday's Best Party  at My 1929 Charmer


  1. That sounds like a brilliant idea and your images make me long for a little pampering myself...

  2. how gorgeous! what a nice idea :) i love your husband's reaction. lol.

  3. Lovely! Lovely! I am so glad you do this. I do it at random times,maybe I should make it a it more regular....

  4. That is such a great idea. I definitely could use a spa night! Calgon-take me away! :)

  5. Husbands just don't get it sometimes!


  6. This is a great idea. Think I will do this too.xx

  7. GREAT idea! I love that shell with the scrub in it! Years ago my husband surprised me by having friends come over and build a free-standing deck in our yard and then attached a gazebo frame. That is my retreat and nearly every summer night, I'm out there for at least a few hours reading, blogging, listening to music or whatever. It's so peaceful with the crickets chirping, candles lit and mosquitoes OUTSIDE the netting :)

  8. I so need a spa night, love the shell with the scrub in it. Our bath is so small that wouldn't even fit. Many time I find my hubs knocking on the door asking me if I am "alright in there". Yeah I'm doing just fine! I've never made it a "virtual" night, but thing I might! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration over at Sunday's Best!

  9. Wonderful images. Thank you for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


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