
Sunday, December 18, 2011

English Christmas Crackers

I found the neatest thing at the thrift store a few weeks ago.  I found new in the box original Robin Reed English Crackers. 

They had never been opened $1.oo for a box of 8.  I got two boxes.

Have you ever had the pleasure of popping open a Cracker?  I actually did a report about them in college but, had never seen a real Cracker.  The pop when you pull it apart is just like a cap gun.  Wrapped inside was a little package of party favors.

You get a notoriously silly joke or riddle, this one had a whistle, and a paper crown. 

It was fun to have a try at a real cracker.  I'll save them for the kids at Christmas.   This is a tradition that has been around in Britain for over 150 years.  (source: Robin Reed)
What fun traditions do you have at Christmas?
 I will join:
Show off Your Cottage Monday  at The House in the Roses  
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday  at Coastal Charm
Tabletop Tuesday  at A Stroll Thru Life


  1. We don't have those in Germany, but I love the idea!
    Have a wonderful week,

  2. I love crackers, I often find them at Home Goods, but you did really good. Not many people here know what they are. Thanks for sharing. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  3. I've heard of these. How wonderful that you happened across them! The kids will love it!

  4. What a great thrift find! I was thinking that I would like to try making them next year for Christmas. I have always seen them but, never bought any. I think they would be a fun addition to a Christmas table!

  5. Growing up in Australia, having Christmas crackers was part of our holidaay traadition.

    i saw some at World Market last week, and I am thinking of getting them this year, just to add something different to the table.

    Have a wonderful week!

  6. How interesting! Christmas Crackers is such a large part of our Christmas traditions here in Australia. I had never realised that it was not a universal thing! I can't imagine Christmas without them - your's are quite gorgeous!

  7. This is a tradition in our family! We look awesome in our paper crowns around the dinner table!! ;0)

  8. It wouldn't be Christmas without crackers, silly hats, jokes to make you groan and plastic treasures.
    All part of English tradition and we love it!!!

  9. I love your crackers Mother used to have them for we kids in our stockings. What fun!
    Merry Christmas
    TTFN ~

  10. Lovely English Crackers. I made my own this year.(First time) We have celebrated this tradition for what seems like forever here in Australia.


  11. Love your crackers!!! My husband is English and he started us getting them. We used to have to order from England, but then we started seeing them in catalogs and now we get them at TJMaxx. We are having red ones this year. We take a picture of him in his "crown" every year so we can send pics to his mother in England! My sisters love popping them too! Now I take them to work for our Christmas luncheon.

    These are adorable and a great bargain...hope you enjoy your treasures after you pop them!!!


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