
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Did any of you have these around your house growing up?  I love old foundation plantings like this.  We had one at my grandmother's and I can vaguely remember having a very fun out of season snowball fight.   

I have always loved these cow creamers and I found one recently and I love all the ways you can use it.  
Thanks for viewing my whites this week.  
Please go and visit Kathleen for her lovely meme White Wednesday at Faded Charm.


  1. Such a beautiful plant. I planted two of them last year and I hope they begin to grow and do well! Love your little creamer, such beautiful photographs!

  2. I love snowball bushes and sure wish I had one!! Maybe this year!!

  3. My neighbor has a very large 30 year old snowball tree I can see from our deck and he lets me cut flowers from it. Your creamer is pretty.

  4. Oh, I'll bet your Grandmom wasn't as happy about your snowball fight:@)

  5. Oh I LOVE those Snowball Hydrangea's and I'm LMAO at the Snowball Fight visual... though I'm fairly certain Gramma wasn't laughing after you all ravaged her beautiful bushes!?! *winks* When my G-Kids and their Friends do such things in the Garden I try to keep it in perspective and not get so old that I forget what it was like to be young...

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. LOVE what you did with that creamer Sherry! Martina

  7. My neighbor growing up had 2 huge snowball bushes in front of her house....good memories!

  8. The hydrangea is beautiful, I saw these with the huge blooms everywhere on Martha's Vineyard!

    What a great idea for your creamer!! It looks so pretty!


  9. Snowball Viburnum (Chineses snowball bush). There are more than 200 species of viburnum world wide..The biggest is the Chinese Snowball. I have one really large bush that is greater than 6' tall and as wide as 10'. It has so many snowball blooms that it completly covers the plant. I have posted it before and will again when it starts to bloom. A lovely sight indeed...

  10. I planted a snowball bush about three years ago and it has yet to bloom! LOL! Maybe this year I'll get lucky.
    I do love them.


  11. Sherry, that is such a beautiful pic of the snowballs. I don't have any but I would sure love to have them. Joni

  12. The Snowball bush is gorgeous. I would love to have one of those growing in my yard.

    Fun little creamer!

  13. LUV those hydrangeas! My grandmother had them embracing her garden and now I do too.... :)

    xoxo laurie

  14. I fondly remember these plants. All I can say is very beautiful and BEEEEEES.

  15. Yep...You definitely brought back sweet memories. We had these in the yard of my childhood home; love them.

  16. Beautiful Plant, I once found some long clippings in the yard waste at a neighbors home & decided to stick them in the ground, I was amazed that they took root so quickly & before I knew it, I had a Lovely Big Bush....

  17. Growing up in PA we always had them, but alas I cannot have them here and have not seen any in decades. :D
    It was nice to remember for a moment


  18. Yes, I remember them from my childhood. I love snowball bushes and we had a HUGE one at my childhood home. I was fascinated by it. It bloomed year after year with no help from my parents. When I lived in a rent house 10 years ago, I planted a snowball bush only to have the next renters kill it. I don't have one at my house now...but I'm thinking perhaps I'll go searching for one tomorrow. I love them soooo much.

  19. Hydrangeas are such gorgeous flowers and you have captured them perfectly! The light in this picture makes the hydrangeas and the green of the leaves pop! So romantic and artistic!
    Your little cow milker with pansies stole my heart. What a darling little arrangement!

  20. Do you know that I never even noticed those lovely flowers until THIS year? My neighbor has some, and I had to ask my mom what they were. He has to have had them for a long time, based on the size of the bush. I had just never noticed.


    And I love them.

  21. Oh, your blog is always so inspiring! Lovely post!!!

    Have a great day!


    Luciane at

  22. Glorious photos! the 'pansies' are stunning!

  23. Never have I seen such a sweet cow pitcher adorned so beautifully!

    Happy WW!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  24. Oh! I love viburnum!

    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.


    Sandy Foster
    My Shabby Streamside Studio

  25. The snowballs are gorgeous. I keep telling myself that I will buy some to plant. Is it too late to plant them? I have the cow server too and thanks for the idea of using it as a flower vase....Christine

  26. Beautiful ! Snowballs and lovely violets, pansies and delicate ferns... What could be more perfect ?

  27. Those are this FL girls kind of snowballs!
    Very pretty.

  28. Your plant looks glorious and I love your new use for your cow creamer. Perhaps you'd like to link this post to Seasonal Sundays for Mother's Day.

    I appreciate your comment on my Royal Wedding Breakfast Part I and thought you might like to know that Part II is up now.

    - The Tablescaper

  29. My parents had a bush of these and I thought they were magical too. Isn't it fun how we love the flowers from our childhood. I just had to have bleeding hearts because my mom did and I thought they were magical. I just tried replanting Lilies of the Valley because I loved hers. Hope they will grow, but I haven't seen anything yet.


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