
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mulled Cider

 Mulled cider smells wonderful in your kitchen.  It also tastes as good as it smells.  Here are the spices you will need.

20 whole cloves
5 apples (I have used 4)
2 cinnamon sticks
zest of 1 orange, removed with a veggie peeler
6 star anise
Also 1 gallon of apple cider

Press 4 cloves into each apple (I forgot to do this, I just tossed the cloves in the pot.)
Place cider, cinnamon, and orange zest, and studded apples into a large pot and warm over medium heat. Let steep one and a half hour without boiling.  

Garnish with the star anise.  You can serve this all through fall and till Christmas.  I love all of the great smells in the fall like wood burning, pumpkin pie, and this cider on the stove. 
Recipe source: Martha Stewart 
This is a re-post from 2010.  
I will join:
Michael Lee for  Foodie Friday at her site Designs by Gollum.
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
This Chick Cooked at This Chick Cooks
Friday Food at Mom Trends


  1. this looks and i know smells so good....after this is made can you save in container for rest of week for few days?

  2. I love how the smell of mulled cider is so cozy! Thanks for the recipe, Sherry!


  3. You just keep the apples whole? Interesting.

    Very festive, and I bet the house smells WONDERFUL while this is heating. Happy Fall.


  4. YUMM-O - - I love the sweet smell and taste. Your pictures are also a treat for the eyes...we've about got all the senses covered here :)


  5. I'll Chris's question here and I will email her. I bought pasteurized cider and when I steeped the cider I refrigerated the empty jug. After the cider cooled what wasn't drank I poured back into the original gallon jug and we have drank from that all week.

  6. Sherry, I can almost smell that wonderful aroma just from looking at your photos. Thank you for the recipe. I featured a photo from your blog on A Few of My Favorite Things this weekend. Hope that is okay. If not, please let me know, and I will remove it. Thanks for inspiring. laurie

  7. Beautiful and yummy looking. A lovely thing to see, as well as taste.

    But .... "Let steep 1-1/2 hour without boiling." Is that one and one half hours? Or one half hour to an hour?

    Please and thank you...

  8. Jordan loves mulled cider. I usually buy the prepackaged spices, but I think this sounds good and definitely more healthy. Have a great weekend. La

  9. Aunt Amelia's Attic had a great question. To clarify "steep 11/2 hour." I am using the hyphen to make the Georgia type look more readable didn't mean to confuse anyone.

  10. Hmmmm, looks and sounds so good, especially on a cold day, Sherry....Christine

  11. Where did you get the pewter bowl and cups that you are serving it in.

  12. The pewter is Wilton Armetale from the 1970's, I think. It was a gift. You can find it on Ebay.

  13. I make spiced cider every Christmas for the family holiday gathering. I have never tried the anise before. They sure look pretty!

  14. I love hot apple cider. We don't have it here at Christmas as it is Summer but I am going to make a big batch this year! Thanks for the recipe.

    Best wishes,

  15. Steeping is the secret...we usually put ours in a huge coffee urn, letting it steep and simmer..
    I can't wait to try YOUR recipe.

  16. This looks wonderful! I always use a mixture of spices purchased from the store. I can't wait to try your version. Your pewter bowl and cups make it PERFECT!

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  17. Hi Sherry,
    All I can say is Yum!! This looks spectacular and I can almost smell it's spicy scent. I'll have to try this recipe out, I bet my kiddos would love it!
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog, it's much appreciated!!
    Have a great Sunday.

  18. Your photo looks so inviting. I love cider, and its that time of the year. Thank you for sharing your recipe and lovely photo.

  19. I haven't had mulled cider in absolute ages. But it practically spells out the word fall to me.

  20. I wanted to tell you how much you inspired me. I was in the midst of readying my soup and salad party (which I held on Sunday and is my tablescape for this week) when I saw your link on the mulled cider. I remembered I had some mulling spices and sent my husband out for apple cider. I had it in a crock pot and offered it to each guest as they arrived (unfortunately I forgot to take photos of it). It was the perfect touch! Thanks so much for your inspriation.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. Hi lovely lady.
    This looks so yummy. Im going to put this together this coming weekend for some Friends coming over for a dinner party. this would be great by the fire pit in the patio. you are a great inspired to me also. I also have your button on my sidebar now.
    XXOO Diane

  22. Oh, this looks SO good and I'm sure it smells divine! I'm going to try it!

  23. Sherry, mulled cider is one of my favorites for fall. It makes the house smell so good and feel warm and cozy. Your cider looks so pretty in the pewter bowl. Love the cups too. Fall is just wonderful, thanks for sharing your recipe for cider.

    The French Hutch

  24. I love your pictures. This sounds so good. I would love for you to share at my ongoing Fall linky, you can find it with a button link on my right side bar. I also have an anything goes linky fri-monday, that you can even share your shop link in. Come strut your stuff.

  25. Sherry, I love mulled cider. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing at Wow.

  26. Obrigada por sua visita e comentário ao eu blog!

  27. Boy, this looks delicious, Sherry! I love mulled cider. I used to have a recipe, but I lost it. Glad to have this one.



  28. I can smell it now!! I use those same spices thrown in water and heated just to make the house smell good on a cold blustery day. Your photos are so pretty. ~

  29. So glad the temperature dropped a bit so I can sip some. Sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing.
    Lovely serving pieces, too.

  30. Hello! I just happened upon your blog and very lovely it is! Funny thing I am having a birthday luncheon for my mother on Friday. I was thinking it would be fun to try a new cider recipe and here it is. :) Thanks!
    I must return and spend lots of time looking at all the lovelies!!

  31. This is such a heart and stomach warming drink. Will definitely make a pot this holiday!

  32. What a lovely post! Thanks for sharing the looks delicious. I can almost smell the spices. It looks SO nice served in the pewter bowl. Please stop by for tea~!


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